DS has gotten in trouble for hitting a child a daycare two times in the past month. They put him in time out when it happens and we try to talk to him at home about how its hurts his friends feelings when he does that but I am just not sure it is getting through to him. Its hard for us to deal with the situation when he is at daycare and we arent there. I know he understands time out because one time the teachers forgot to tell us and DS told on himself by saying he went to time out at school. I feel horrible and dont want my child to be the wild one at school that is hitting and always getting in trouble but I am not sure what else to do. We have been talking about trying to use a reward chart with him where he can earn tatoos (he loves these), does anyone do this? What are your "rules" about how you earn the prize.
Any other great advice from mothers who have had 2 year olds!
Re: Hitting at Day Care