My company went to 7.5 hr days as of Aug 1, but because of my daily workload, I haven't been able to do that. Well, come Nov 1, part of my job duties are going away and I will not have to be at work at 7am. I will be able to start working 8-4 most days, except when my normal workload increases. About 2 weeks a month, my workload doubles because of client accounting reports have to be run and sent to 100+ clients. On those days I would still be working at 7am but for the most part I get to come to work later.
I think I will still get up early and just add in a workout in the mornings before I shower & get ready. Plus, I can help get E ready in the mornings and maybe it won't be such a traumatic experience for her or DH.
Re: My work hours are changing