our dogs bed!!!!
This morning nala (cat) and sasha (dog) were running around the house. Then I heard nala crying in her annoyed voice. I came into the bedroom to see what was going on. Sasha was laying next to the bed, with Nala under it. Now, nala wasn't really corned/pinned because the bed is not against any walls. She could have just walked out the other side and hopped up on the bed (her safe base cuz dog isn't allowed on bed).
Anyhow, I had sasha come out to the kitchen with me anyway, and I heard nala jump back up onto the bed.
Then I heard DH yell, and I ran back to the bedroom.
THe cat CRAPPED on Sasha's bed!!
She was sitting then on our bed with this huge, I'm the queen of this casle smurk on her face, while bathing herself.
I was SO mad. Cats can be so spiteful!!
That's the first time she did that, and it was totally did it on purpose to make a point!
Then to top it off, I forgot my lunch I spent 20 min making this morning, so I could go to my lunchtime yoga class. I got distracted by this circus and getting sasha's bed into the washer that I left it on the counter.
I'm in such a bad mood this morning!
Re: Our cat crapped on.............
I'm sorry that you've had such a crappy morning and hope you have a better afternoon!
One of my cats is suddenly acting up and is on my last nerve too. He has started crapping in Michaela's shower and has been doing it a couple of times a week for the last couple of weeks. I have no idea why he's doing it. We have 3 cat boxes and they are each scooped 2x daily. We haven't changed litter and no other changes in the house. We took him to the vet thinking that he might bew sick, but everything came back normal. I think he's just doing it out of spite since it's only in the one location. We've caught him in the act and turned the water on him hoping that it would scare him out of there but it didn't work. Now we've decided to remove the liter box from that bathroom and keep the door closed so he can't get in there. Hopefully he won't start doing it somewhere else.
yea jen,
with nala, she KNEW what she was doing!!!
I think its a definite spite thing.