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What's everyone up to this weekend??? Trick-or-treating? Halloween parties or festivals?
Re: Weekend Plans
Today: Halloween Carnival with my sweet little man this morning, lunch and shopping date with my sweet little C and a good friend who just had her baby 2 weeks ago.
Tomorrow: I'm getting a much needed pedicure while daddy's on duty and then tomorrow night H and I are going to a Halloween party that one of his co-workers is having and my mom is babysitting.
Sunday: Not sure yet...probably relax, clean, know, the usual Sunday stuff
Fun weekend!
We had plans to go up to Prescott but that is no longer happening. So for today, not sure what we are doing.
Saturday, not sure but the evening we are going to the Phoenix Coyotes game. First one of the season, so I am excited. Maybe go early and eat at Margaritaville.
Sunday probably just the usual stuff. Cleaning, laundry and all that fun stuff.
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Tonight we're planning on carving (or in DD's case-painting) pumpkins.
Tomorrow DH has to work, so DD and I will run errands and clean. Then tomorrow night probably go to dinner and watch some True Blood.
Sunday I desperately want to finish redecorating the guest room. I'm tired of having it be half done and messy.
Pretty domestic weekend for us.
Today we are going to try and go to the pumpkin patch since CJ ended up haveing the day off of work. And then this evening we are taking my cousin back to my sisters house in Gilbert and will be having dinner there.
Saturday we are going out to Tempe to have a BBQ at my cousins. This will be the first time my aunt, grandma and cousins will be meeting Zach so that should be fun. Then in the evening we are going to my mom and dads for another BBQ so Zach can hang out with gammy and papa and meet our family friends who are in town for a week.
Sunday one of my very dear friends is coming over to meet Zach. I am pretty excited about this, and then we are going out to dinner with the in laws for SIL birthday which is on Monday.
Monday just hang out, I got a little costume for Zach so we will put him in that and hand out candy for a while...I am not sure we will have a lot of trick or treaters with it being a school night and all.
This is the busiest weekend we have had since Zach was born, I am kind of nervous on how it will all go but fingers crossed it goes well... Luckily Zach loves car rides so he should do well with the driving all around the valley this weekend.
Tonight and tomorrow I have to cook and clean like a mad woman, because Lucy is getting baptised on Sunday.
I've got to make a lasanga and a cake, decorate the cake, and CLEAN!!! Her baptism is Sunday morning, and we're having family and friends over afterward for lunch.
I hate busy weekends...
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Tonight we're going to Costco to get some Halloween candy and toilet paper (haha nice combo right).
Tomorrow we'll finish making sugar cookies with William and then tomorrow night I'm going out with Shawna and her DH for dinner at the OSF then doing the ghost tour thingy at Hotel San Carlos... That should be a fun time. I love having a babysitter whose local now so Carl and I can get out.
Sunday we'll do some more Halloween baking and watch football in the AM. Then in the afternoon we talked about going to the fair but not sure yet. I think i'd rather go during the week instead of on a weekend.
Monday is trick or treat day! Will is excited (and we are too.. we got fun costumes to go with his)..
Tonight...nothing really just hanging out. Seth and I will probably watch Grey's after Connor goes to bed.
Tomorrow we're going to Costco and maybe getting a pumpkin to carve.
Sunday I have to work.
Monday I'm off so I plan to dress C up in his costumes (he has 2 lol) and take his picture. Then we're going over to our friends to hang out with them and pass out candy in their neighborhood.
We are taking Lucy to the pumpkin patch at Dewitt stables tomorrow night.
We have a MW appointment tomorrow AM and then we are going to look at houses
Tonight we might have a game night with some neighbors.
Tonight I want to go out and get some pumpkins to carve/decorate. Tomorrow we are going to a little party thing in our friend's neighborhood. I also have to seriously clean and organize this weekend.
tonight i'm making dominic's halloween costume. it's a surprise and will be the coolest costume ever.
tomorrow we're carving and painting pumpkins, and then going to a party tomorrow night.
sunday i'm not sure, probably baking some halloweeney things and just hanging around the house.
I am a little late to the party...this week has been crazy and I have had no nesting time.
Today: going to lunch with my mom to celbrate by bday. The tonight I am working with my respite kids.
Sunday: working a side job scanning medical charts for work. Hopefully we only have a couple more weeks of this as its killing me the amount of time we are putting into this project.
Haha I'm a little late too! Yesterday was NUTS! I had two events yesterday- a BBQ for all staff (800 peeps) and then we hosted the children/spouses of our employee's to trick or treat in our building. I was in my office for all of 10 minutes yesterday (to feed E while she was trick or treating), but it was a great day for our staff- and seeing the happy kids made all the planning & hard work worth it!
Today we're running some errands : Zoolikins, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Home Depot (I totally sound like Old School- so maybe we'll throw in some Fro-Yo)! Then tonight we're going to a friends Halloween/Wedding party (they got married last month out of state).
Tomorrow we're spending some quality time with friends and family throughout the day
ETA: and Monday we're going over to a friends house that we always go to for a little trick or treating with E (so we can say she did it) and then to pass out candy/BBQ/hang out.
Halfway through the weekend already
Ours is pretty low key.
Today we had some errands to run and I spent some quality time with our girl so that DH could get in some quality thesis time since he needs to turn it in on Monday.
Tomorrow I'm studying and then we have our holiday pictures shoot out in Tempe in the afternoon. I'm hoping it goes well - Aria doesn't always like to cooperate for pictures
I figure it will be a good trial run for her 6 month shoot.
SO excited for Monday. We hand out candy at my cousin's place (lives downtown in the Encanto area) which is always a blast.