DH and I found out on Halloween that we're pregnant! (Please, nothing on Facebook! We're waiting to announce to family/friends)
We had TTC'd unsuccessfully for awhile a couple of years ago, and then had to put it on hold. We decided earlier this year that we'd start trying again after I ran the Nike Women's Half Marathon. As luck would have it, I ovulated only a few days after the race. I wasn't expecting this to be our lucky month at all (and figured it would likely take awhile). When my chart appeared to turn tri-phasic, I started testing at 7 dpo. I got a very faint positive at 10 dpo! We're now at 4 weeks and 4 days!
The EDD is July 13th (Friday the 13th). DH and I are getting a kick out of that coupled with the BFP on Halloween.
I announced to DH on Halloween night. I had just purchased some little Converse baby shoes (since he's a huge Converse fan), and presented him with those. I caught it on video, which you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4169xRc6jwA
At this point we're cautiously optimistic, since it's so early. But we've decided not to announce to family/friends yet until we've at least had our first appointment, and are thinking we'll wait until Christmas so we can plan it as a big surprise.
Re: XP from The Bump
OMG!! Dani, I am so happy for you guys!! Congratulations!!!
Cute way to announce it DH.
oh congratulations Dani. DH's reaction totally made me all teary...so sweet!!!
a very happy & healthy 9 months
You've got this pregnant lady in tears! Congrats!!! H&H 9 months!!
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IUI #1 10/12/11 (Bravelle + HCG + Prometrium & acupuncture) = 10/26 BFP! Beta #1=250, Beta #2= 615. 1st u/s 11/8.