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Has anyone run the SF marathon (or the half)?
I'm considering it for next year and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me about the two sections of the course. You can choose the first or second half. The first half runs along the Embarcadero and would be my choice (I think) but I would love to cross the finish line, which would mean the second half. That part doesn't look as good to me because I'm scared of the hills. 
Any thoughts or first hand experiences?
Re: Has anyone run the SF marathon (or the half)?
DH and I ran the 1st half (goes over GG Bridge) in July 2010. I was pretty worried about the hill up to the bridge, but it really wasn't too bad. Going over the bridge and back was pretty great. I'd do it again just for that, but to be honest, I'm not sure I would run the race again. The bad part were the hills after the bridge, through the Richmond. Since it was mile 11-12, the hills were rough. I felt great until those hills. During my training, I included hills and thought I was prepared, but I think at that point in the race, it's just hard to manage them.
I've heard the 2nd half is a lot through warehouse areas/business parks within SF. I definitely wanted something scenic, to make it somewhat more enjoyable. Heh.
I ran the full this past summer! I think I'm going to do the half next year (as I want to the Nike as my full marathon).
I totally vote for the first's prettier IMO, you get to run over the bridge, you get the excitment of the marathon start, they have a better finish area at the Golden Gate park finish than the finish line at the Embarcadero (for full/2nd half finishers) and overall...I just think the first half is the way to go! The hills were what I expected. A HUGE hill to get on the GG bridge, but otherwise, I'd say each half is comporable, beacuse the second half has yucky hills on miles 21-23/24.
Also, there is a huge portion of the race that goes through GG park which is pretty, but just looks the same after a while. It's like 6 miles and you get to avoid most of it if you run the first half.
I ran the first half in '06 (my first half). I recommend it.
I actually just did the U.S. Half last weekend--very similar course.