So this is a a request for prayers and good energy and... just whatever you want to send out into the universe, because....
my sister is a 1st grade teacher and today she had to call CPS and report suspected child abuse after an incident involving the victim student and some other students in her class.
Those are the only details I know, but these are immigrant families (Mexican) and they are all poor (she's at the poorest school in her district - which is middle class at best) and these families have a hard road ahead of them.
So thoughts and prayers for these students (and their parents) and some for my sister, who works so hard and cares so much and is so heartbroken that something like this would happen to one of her kids. She's got a long road ahead of her, too - teacher's aren't anonymous when they report to CPS.
Thanks, guys.
Re: UPDATE: XP: prayer request (because this situation needs all the good juju it can get)
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Sending so many good thoughts to the student and your sister.
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Has your sister ever read the book A Child Called IT? If not, she should...and the follow-ups as well. Its a true story of an abused child who credits his teacher with saving his life in elementry school. Very inspirational, and it actually happened here in the bay area...
I want to say that she did as part of her graduate work, but I will remind her. Thank you for the recommendation!