Augh. I wasn't going to say anything until I knew for sure, but I need some of that powerful nestie dust.
I had a first ultrasound for pregnancy last week, Thursday. I was supposed to be 8 wks. The doctor told us that I was only measuring at 6 weeks and that he didn't see a heartbeat. He thought I had miscarried, but wanted to be sure, so I had my hormone levels checked Thursday and had more blood work today.
I don't feel good about it. All symptoms of pregnancy are gone.
Could I get some dust/prayers/thoughts whatever you could spare? I would like some sticky dust, but also some support from all your wonderful ladies who mean so much to me and have helped me through other hard times.
This sucks.
ETA: I have another ultrasound Wednesay. Nothing on FB please, family isn't in "the know" until things are finalized.
Re: Need thoughts/prayers/dust...
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IUI #1 10/12/11 (Bravelle + HCG + Prometrium & acupuncture) = 10/26 BFP! Beta #1=250, Beta #2= 615. 1st u/s 11/8.
Thanks ladies. I really appreciate all the good thoughts. I am trying to stay positive and remember that things happen for a reason. I also feel thankful that DH and I were able to conceive, so this gives me hope if things don't work out this time that we can try again.
I will keep you all updated after my dr.'s appt tomorrow.
Tea Time for Lulu