So I know Ive been detailing you all the issues with O's weight gain. Here is the most recent update, and Id love to hear your thoughts:
After nearly wo months with minimal gain, the pedi had me fortify O's bottles of breastmilk with formula toi give him extra calories. I also took O to Crouse to see the LC to give me some feedback as to whether the latch was wrong or if something was going on during BFinfg that might answer my problems.
While I was nursing and after, as usual, O spit up. A lot. The LC at Crouse told me that our latch was good, but based on his spit up, it was pretty clear that she thought his weight gain issues had to do with the fact that he was not keeping the milk down... And she suggested that he could have reflux, or an allergy or worst case, pyloric stenosis.
Hearing this, I was pretty angry. I have mentioned O's spit up to the doc at EVERY VISIT, and during one visit O even spit up three times in front of the doc. But because he doesnt appear to be in pain when he spits up, the pedi just dismissed it as O being "a spitty baby"
Flash forward to Friday. At O's weight check, he gained 5 ounces in a week with the formula fortifying his milk, which was good... so the pedi was ready to leave it at that and just have me continue to fortify (which I will). But again, I broughtup the issues the LC mentioned, and he pretty much dismissed them again, saying that if I wanted, he would prescribe meds for reflux.
I dont want to just start medicating O without knowing exactly whats going on. Id really like him to see a gastro specialist to ensure that it is indeed reflux. Im also now seriously considering finding a new pedi.
What do you ladies think? Anyone with experience with reflux/allergies/etc?