I got a frantic call from my sister yesterday. She was trying to figure out what to do with a stray cat that had been wandering around for a few days and had decided to make her front porch his home. She was worried about him for a couple of huge reasons, 1. we have coyotes in the area and 2. he's pure black and Halloween is just days away.
I ended up taking him from her and the plan was to keep him until after Halloween and then try to rehome him. I've been checking for lost cat ads and nothing has come up on this sweet little guy. We've had a lot of people moving in and out recently and I really think someone just left without him. He's so sweet and has definately been an indoor cat his whole life as he was terrified of being outdoors.
Dh was not happy about me bringing another cat home but I guess he's changed his mind. He just called and asked how "Lucky" was doing and said that we can keep him if I really want to. He's been quarantined in my bathroom since I picked him up as I need to make sure he's healthy and get him his shots before having him around my other cats.He also needs to be neutered.
I don't think the name "Lucky" will stick though as it's just too predictable. So if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Re: I think we have a new cat
you're a sucker for the strays, too! That's why we have so many cats (and you know what, it's absolutely maddening that people move away and leave them!)
Um, you could name him... shoot, I'm the wrong person to ask. The last three strays we adopted are Grey Cat, Spotty and Charcoal (grey, tabby, grey) The one that I gave an interesting name to, Roger, dissapeared, so I give them less permanent-sounding names so I don't get upset when they stop coming around. (our first two cats, Cuda and Ivy, did get some thought to their names!)