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I need help!
My little Joey throws up after eating or spits up a few hours later, he also has really bad reflux. He also is sooo gassy! He seems to have trouble getting it all out and stretches him self out and gets stiff as a board. He cries anytime you move him. It's horrible watching him be in so much pain. I've been watching what I'm eating, we give him gas drops before he eats, we even move his little legs to help get the gas out...nothing is helping. We have a doctor's appt tomorrow, the nurse thinks Joey might be lactose intolerant.
Any thoughts or ideas of what I can do to help him?
Re: Mommies come in!
I know you are BFing and I'm sure that's very important to you but would you consider supplementing (if you're not already)? We switched Haley to soy formula (Enfamil Prosobee) and she was like a totally different baby once we did that. Before she would literally scream after eating. She didn't throw up or spit up but she was sooo gassy and the soy formula has just made all the difference.
I don't know if this really helps you or not since you're BFing but I thought I'd throw the idea out there. Good luck, I know how hard it is to see your little one in pain!
Get Gripe helped Emma. she had some mild reflux and we had her on zantac for a few weeks in the beginning.
Emma was super gassy --- try bicycling his legs and lightly massaging his belly. Another thing to try is to lay him on his belly across your forearm or across your lap and then rub and pat his back. All of these can help to relieve the gas pressure.
Have you been on the 0-6 month board? There are some mommies that are BF and totally dairy free. In general, I love that board! If you have any questions, they will have answers and support. I think Lesa was dairy free nursing too. Lesa helped me maintain some sanity in the early days of breast feeding! Now I feel like an old pro and am still pumping enough milk for Emma for each day, plus freezing a couple of bottles a week.
Good luck! Let us know how you guys are doing
How did the appointment go? I hope you were able to get some answers to help you and your little guy get through this. Another thing I thought of is when I was BFing, I was told by a lactation consultant to avoid dairy (I know how strange that sounds) and strawberries, and I think anything with a lot of acid in it. These were all things I was told to avoid because of all the gas Haley had.
Also, maybe you should consider contacting someone from La Leche League. Maybe they could give you some advice as well.
Let us know how things are going, I've been thinking about you today!
Hi everyone!
Joey was put on Zantac at his appt yesterday and we switched from the hospital bottles to our Avent bottle system..he is already so much better! We had an ultrasound of his tummy today to rule out pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the stomach opening, he does not have that! Thanks so much for all of the advice, I will definitely try everything!
Zantac helped Emma. The pharmacist even made it grape flavored....I called it her grape soda
She took it very well and never spit it out or tried to avoid it. Hopefully it does well for Joey too. The bottle I use for Emma are the ventaire bottle. We tried drop ins, but she sucked in a bit too much air. With the ventaire, she doesn't get any air.
Good luck! How is everything else going?
Oh! Joey is now 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 19 inches long!!
Grow baby Joey! He sounds like he is doing well.
Breastfeeding is a challenge. BUT, after about 5 or 6 weeks, it all seemed to get better. I woke up one day and breastfeeding just didn't hurt anymore. There were a few times that I wanted to quit, but breastfeeding is so good for baby and it is FREE. I am so cheap! I don't want to pay for formula when breast milk is readily available.
Another item that Leesa reminded me of are the gel pads....they feel nice on sore bewbies!
How are you healing up from delivery? I don't know if you had a vag or csection delivery. I had a csection ( still a little pissy about that!) and it took me a while to feel better physically.
I had to have an emergency c-section (still need to post Joey's birth story). I'm still pretty sore, but getting around ok. Around the incision is numb in some parts, sore in others, and wierd feeling in others. I can't wait to get back in the gym!
Jeff went out and got me breast shells, which have really helped. I want to get some of those gel pads too. I have a breast shield that I wear when nursing Joey because the lactation consultant said it would help him nurse. Well, its very painful even with that on! I feel like I'm nursing a wolverine without it!