What is your favorite SA Riverwalk Hotel? My big 40th Birthday is in January. My husband has been sick since July so I haven't been able to leave at all. His dad offered to take care of him in January so we are going to do a girl's weekend at the Riverwalk. Originally, we had planned to go to the Dominican Republic but that is out now.
Anyway....does anyone have a SA Riverwalk Hotel they like a lot? If it has a spa, that would be awesome as my mom has offered to pay for spa treatments! Since my two sisters in law are attending...we decided to do the Riverwalk as they are young and will probably want to go "out"! I had originally planned to do the Hill Country Hyatt as I LOVE LOVE LOVE that place!
I have stayed at La Mansion and Marriott RiverCenter. Those are options but want to see what else is out there!
Re: Favorite SA Riverwalk Hotel?
My sister stayed at Mokara and really liked it (when it had another name). She said the spa was awesome. My mom is paying for my room but I am worried about the cost for my friends. I should probably just let it go. If they want to stay at the same place...fine...if not, they can stay somewhere else on the riverwalk....
That being said, I haven't actually invited anyone! LOL...guess I should get on that!
Keri...wanna do lunch one day next week??
It is about you- not them so stay where you want. You've had a lot of crap lately otherwise I would suggest to take them into consideration.
What does Wednesday look like for you?
I can't really chime in regarding hotel suggestions since I've never stayed down there. But I wanted to say I'm so happy for you to be able to have a chance to get away and relax. I can only imagine how hard the last 6 months has been for you with your DH being sick. I completely admire your strength through it all.