This was my first week back to work so we are starting a whole new journey of pumping throughout the day and Zach have three possible four feedings from a bottle.
A little back histroy here, I was told prior to going back to work that we were working 10 hour days at work. So, for the weeks leading up to my return to work we were giving bottle to Zach so we can see how much he needs to be sastified... the magic number seemed to be four ounces. These seemed about right to me because I read somewhere that they need 1 ounce per hour there is in the day and he get six feedings a day since he sleeps through the night. In order to be prepared for the possibility of me working 10 hours and having 12 hours away from Zach I have been sending 16 oz to day care each day this week. This would be enough if he continued his normal eating every three hours.
Wed. I was sent home with TWO extra bags of milk, so that means he only had two feeding from 7 to when I picked him up at 3:30. Thursday I was sent home with just one bag so ge got the three feedings he should have. Well today all four bags were gone, she said he wasn't satisfied and wasn't going to sleep and that she thinks he is going up in ounces that he needs per feeding. But from everything I have read your ounces you get per pump session or feeding won't go up but your milk changes to fit the babies needs.
So my question is, is this true or do BF babies have to go up in ounces per feeding like formula fed babies? I am worried I am not going to be able to pump enough milk for Zach if she is blowing through milk like this. Also any advice on how I can get my day care lady to stick to our sechdule a little better?
Re: Question about breast feeding *** LONG***
Well, I am obviously very new to this as well, but I agree with you. From what I've read, you should not have to go up in ounces because our milk adjusts to our babies needs. I would post this on the Breastfeeding board on the bump. I think you'll get a lot of answers over there.
BTW that pic of Zach is ADORABLE! Can't wait to meet him soon!
I can't speak to the breastfeeding part- but I can speak to the daycare schedule part.
When E started daycare it honestly took about 3-4 weeks to get her on a normal routine there. She takes a bottle just fine (obviously) but she was getting it from someone new, there were new distractions, etc. There were days where she would be there from 7:00am-3:30pm and take 9 oz. (Those days I was not a happy mama). Normally we'd some catch up time either in the evenings, or she'd have a BIG feeding day because she was just finally hungry enough to ignore the new people and distractions.
Now she's eating on track and doing really well with a routine. If your concerned or curious (don't want it to sound negative) then I would speak with your day care provider and get an idea of what's going on. Does she write down what she gives him and when? This helps me A LOT to understand the frequency of her feedings and helped me get her (and day care) on track to a better schedule.
Hope that helps!
I agree with Jenn's suggestion of maybe asking DCP if she can maybe keep a journal for you of when she ate, how much she ate, etc. If you feel weird asking her, just tell her that his Ped wants to watch to see about how much he is eating, etc... When I babysat Layla, I wrote down when she ate, how much she ate, when I changed her etc. She was the only one I watched but her mom appreciated it. It did not take long to do. I'd also write down anything that she may have done (she was just sitting up and stuff when I got her).
It is totally normal for him to eat a little one day and a lot the next. He's learning a new routine and there are new distractions and such. Until he falls into his personal comfort zone he will be a little off but he'll fall into a routine soon enough!
Thank you all for your advice, I really apperciate it! I think we are going to ask her to write down when he eat, pee and poops so we can keep track of it all. CJ also came up with an idea of writing on the bag we take the milk in what times he "should" be eating and see if that helps... because he should be eaating at least three times while he is there and she has only been feeding him twice.
This is totally going to take some getting used to and I really hope it gets easier soon. Thanks again girls you have helped me so much!
You are correct, the ounces shouldn't have to increase, at least to the extent that a formula fed baby would. Once you have your supply regulated, you don't necessarily make more milk to satiate your baby, your body changes the milk makeup. (although around growth spurts, you will notice a supply increase)
Your milk will change, and to be honest, Zach may end up not needing equal bottles throughout the day.
It took us a really long time (read: practically six months!) to get Ariadne's feeding routine down. She was up and down constantly. 4 ounce bottles twice per day (my work schedule allows me to only miss two feeds). Then we increased to 5 ounces, twice per day. Then we tried four 3 ounces. Then back down to the 5 ounces. Omg it was annoying. Finally, we figured out that she does best on a 4 ounce in the morning and a 6 ounce in the early afternoon. Perfecto!
Anyways, I guess my point is - it is very very frustrating in the beginning when you're trying to figure out exactly how much to leave with your provider (and this goes for any form of feeding!) but your milk should change as he ages.
I believe I read somewhere that a breastfed baby should never really "need" more than an average of 5 ounces per feed. But the actual amount varies by age, time of day and baby.
Oh oh and also, I wouldn't worry too much if he appears to be needing fewer feedings while you're away from him. Some BF babies will reverse cycle, where they feed more when they are with Mom (breast) and less on the bottle. This is us to a T and it started after I went back to work. Ariadne usually gets between 8-10 ounces while I'm gone (9 hours), but she's growing steadily and does not every go hungry. So you might notice that as well.
Definitely have them map out his routine at daycare for a week or so, and you should start to see a pattern and can know what to expect. I would try not to push them towards following your routine now, as much as encouraging them to find a routine that works that they can stick with.
All very normal, Jenn! But frustrating nonetheless!
It took us about a month to get on schedule with daycare. If I remember right, it was around 3 months that DS went to 5 oz bottles every 3 hours and stayed like that until we started introducing solids. He did go through growth spurts where he would eat more, then sometimes it was less, but it always worked out in the long run. As far as the amount LO consumes during the day in reference to sleeping through the night--- I personally don't think it matters. DS would take three 5 oz. bottles and nurse 2-3 times during the day and STILL wake up wanting to nurse at night- he didn't sleep through the night until around 9 months.
I agree with asking DC to write everything down. Ours provides a daily progress report with the times and amounts he ate, how many wet/dirty diapers, what time he went down for a nap and how long he slept. It's great seeing his patterns and how they change and it's helpful on the weekends.
Thank you both for the advice, this week has been going better. He is getting at least three feeding while there all about 4 ouces each. She was still trying to tell me that he should be getting 6 - 7 ounces a feeding even if BM (it was one some sheet her pedi gave her three years ago). There is no way I would be able to produce that much milk. You would have to be super woman to that, I get about 12-14 ounces between three pumping sessions! haha But we have talked it out and she is writing everthing down for us, we used Jess's idea about needing it to tell our pedi
But seriously thank you all so much, I was getting my self so stressed out about all of this.