Kitty #1s eye has improved slightly so I think they are not going to remove it. It looks like he may be blind in that eye, but it seems to not be hurting him any longer. I'm a little worried still since there are times where it has hurt him, and he even had discharge from the ear on that side, but I'm no vet so I suppose I should trust them.
Kitty#2 is the one that is housed with #1 and went right up to my LO. He's the twitchy one (perhaps mom had distemper while PG?). The two of them play so well together.
I'm really thinking that the two kittens would do well together and play together more, therefore leaving 11 year old Lily in peace when she wants to be alone. I still need to convince MH that not just one, but two broken kitties are right for our house. He's not yet sold.
Both are getting snipped this morning and therefore ready to go home soon. I could have new kittens this weekend!! Eek!
Do you think 2 new kittens will be much more stressful than 1 new kitten on Lily? She's still my primary concern. She's doing much better with the loss of Kitty and now is super friendly (more than she ever was before). I don't want to set her back or ruin her happy world, but I also don't want to be a one pet household. We have the means to rescue more and I feel like we should do it.
What to do!?
Re: Might get both broken kitties!
*squee!* I hope the kitties end up working out! Is it possible to let Lily meet them before you adopt the kitties? Or does that only work for dogs?
It only works for dogs because for cats you want to keep them separated and sniff under the door for a while. I have a lot of space, so I'm hoping if they aren't thrilled with each other, everyone can live in their own areas and still be happy. That's my optimistic worst case anyway :-)
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Growing up we had an older cat, I think he was about 9 at the time and we brought home 4 kittens, for the most part they left the older one alone because after they found out he was boring and just wanted to sleep they gave up on him. Of course there was the hiss and sniff for a week that went on, but after that they were perfect.
Well, you take them home and give them a happy happy home!
IMO - I would take both, especially since they have been together for so long, I wouldn't want to separate them. I think you're right that having bother will give older kitty a break when she wants one.
Frankly, if you can afford it and you love both kitties and you can give them an amazing life I would go for it!
I'm so glad Kitty #1's eye is better and hope it continues! Have you figured out why #2 is "twitchy" yet? You might want to know if there is something causing it in case there are "triggers" which could make kitty have a seizure etc.
I think whether you bring 1 new kitten home or 2, it will be the same basic adjustment for Lily. She may retreat into her shell a bit, but she also might not. S1 is a year+ older than S2 and was the first one in our house. While S2 totally took over as alpha cat, S1 is still amazingly friendly and lovey and cuddley. The only time she bolts is if S2 is antagonizing her.
I'd say getting both new kittens would definitely give them a better outlet for their energy/play and help give Lily her space, so she can go off and be alone and they can get rambunctious with each other.
I hope YH comes around and you can do both!
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6
5 cats. 1 baby.