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Good Things Thursday/Friday
We haven't done one of these in a while. Want to? Name three good things going on in your life right now.
My favorite place on earth: The Amargosa Valley.

Re: Good Things Thursday/Friday
1) My mom is visiting tomorrow.
2) We're planning to go to the beach since it's been so warm.
3) I really like the invite card I've made for my grandpa's 90th birthday:
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Hannah, I love your positive outlook. And that invite is great!
For me:
1. I'm visiting an old high school friend tomorrow.
2. I bought a Groupon for six microdermabrasion treatments and had my first one last night. I'm hoping it helps improve my skin and some acne scarring I have. Couldn't do this without the great Groupon deal.
3. We've had zero snow here in Boston since the freak storm on Oct. 27. I know this is a mixed blessing as people will start worrying about water levels and whatnot, but after last year's horrific levels of snowfall (~4x above historical averages) I can't help but love this milder winter.
1. It's Friday
2. We're going out to a new restaurant with friends we haven't seen in a while tonight.
3. I'm going to try Ethiopian food for the first time later on in the weekend.
let us know how it goes. never had it
1. Dh and I got sucked in to Homeland and are obsessed.
2. We started watching Mad Men...what took us so long??
3. This week hasn't been as crazy as I thought it would be (after taking two weeks off of work!)
1. went into work to show off princess lillian and take advantage of the kick ass friday sale and she slept the whole time!
2. having friends over tomorrow
3. i am 6 lbs away from pre-lily weight and my boobs no longer feel like they are going to fall off from pain.
4. i can sit normal!!!!!
happy weekend everyone
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1. It's sunny outside today. Even though it's technically summer here, we are getting lots of rain b/c of La Nina.
2. DS is feeling better today after a torturous two days of teething hell. Thank the heavens for baby ibuprofen.
3. I am planning DS's first birthday party.
H, I love the invite..great job!
My three:
1.T and I are home this weekend and about to finish the basement facelift.
2. We're planning our trip to Paris
3. It's 59 degrees. In January. WTH?
Mmm, now I'm craving Ethiopian.
1. I'm counting down the days until I see DH again. SOOOO soon, I can't wait!!!!!
2. Back to Japan soon!
3. Normal life again soon!
Can you tell I'm excited??
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When are you heading back? Are we going to be able to meet this time or are we missing eachother again? we come in on the 26th of Jan...Fingers crossed!
We're missing each other by 5 days... I'm leaving the Bay Area on the 21st. ARG!!!! Someday...
Bummer! I know you're excited to get home to Japan and your husband so I'll let this of these times though.