Bless his furry heart, he just doesn't understand personal space. He's so sweet, and he's so much better than Bently when it comes to sensing you're sad or upset, but the ways he "helps" are so weird. He likes to put his paw on you, whether it's your shoulder, your leg, your face or your head. And he wants to be nose-to-nose with you. No licking, no sniffing, just half an inch from my face.
Why is this?
We got some pretty upsetting news this weekend. Pete usually prefers to hang out on the loveseat over sitting with one of us, but this weekend he's been extra clingy and in-your-face.
Bently doesn't seem to notice anything is different. He's just as snuggly and conniving as he usually is.
And just so I don't feel crazy, other dogs pick up on emotions too, right? Or at least a change in the environment?
Re: Who wants to interpret Petey's behavior?
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
Not crazy. Gloria consols us, too. She's already a velco dog, and also very pawsy, but she kicks it up a notch when we're upset.
Some dogs are more in-tune with your emotions than others (the same way some people are).
My dog is usually not a velcro dog, but when I was pregnant she stuck to me like glue. She would even try to get in the shower with me. And this all started before I even took a positive pg test- she just knew.
It's very sweet that you have such a loving pup who wants to make you feel better!