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Morning routine/getting ready poll
Just curious: What time do you all get up in the morning on a normal workday, and what time do you have to be at work?
It seems like it takes me FOREVER to get ready and out the door in the mornings. I wonder if I'm slow, disorganized, high maintenance, what?? Or is my timeline normal? Just curious what the morning routine looks like for everyone else.
Re: Morning routine/getting ready poll
I won't tell you when I get up right now.
But soon I'll be getting up at 7:00. If it's anything like getting up at 6:00 last year it will take me 45 mins from wake up to out the door. It usually takes me longer to eat breakfast than I think it will.
ETA: I shower at night and don't do things like straighten my hair in the morning either. I am also minimal on the make-up.
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when i was working i got up at 245 showered had light breakfast, make dh and my lunches, if i didnt do it the night before,get coffee going for dh. leave the house around 315 to work at 330
but i dont wear makeup. or get dolled up at all. i wear jeans, a tshirt and sneakers so its not like that takes a lot of time
I wake up between 5:45 and 6. Lately, it's been closer to 6.
I usually make my lunch/snacks for the day and then eat breakfast. If I've made them the night before or plan on going out to lunch, that's when I wake up closer to 6. After breakfast I finish getting ready which takes another 25-30 minutes. It depends on if like I my outfit or not. My husband and I carpool most days, so we are out the door by 7. I have to be at work at 8. On days I drive myself I leave about 6:45. I drive halfway and take the bus halfway so I have to account for time to park and walking to the bus stop.
My alarm is set for 5:35, but I snooze once-I try to wake up somewhere in that snooze and grab my phone-Check emails and Facebook. I've been really bad lately and haven't been getting in the shower until almost 6. I'm a full hair/full makeup kind of gal so I've been leaving around 6:45 to get to work at 7-I'm usually late. Whoops! I make lunches the night before and try to plan clothes the night before too-I alwayhs get my gym bag ready if I'm working out at lunch. Hair and make up take me about 1/2 hour. Then I have to pick out jewelry (find it!) give my dog her pill, fill their water (since my husband NEVER does) fix my cup of coffee, and throw all my lunch items in my bag-I keep the cold stuff in the bag in the fridge.
Ugh, I'm so not a morning person, so I've built extra time into my routine to slowly wake up. I get up between 6:45 -7, shower, then sit on the couch with a cup of tea and read the paper/nest until 8. Usually takes me between 8 and 8:45 to get ready (though I'm often late) and be at work by 9.
It would help if I could iron and make my lunch the night before, but that doesn't always happen.
Alarm 535, up at 550 ( ok, sometimes 6)
I feed the kitty, w
ash face, brush teeth ( shower at night) get dressed
Get dressed which usually involves a mini freak out about finding a missing shoe, tights, earring, or a certain shirt wasting 5-10 minutes)
Hubs gets up
Hug hubs
Hubs feeds and potties W
Make up ( I have this down to about 5-7 mins, I time it)
Hair (5-20 mins depending if I washed it the night before or not)
Grab b fast and lunch to go ( usually made the night before, but some times I have to throw something else together)
Leave something out for dh to eat, which he usually forgets.
Hug DH, patWinston, search for kitty, who could care less I'm leaving.
Out the door by 647 for a 701 train, or in the car by 7-705 to drive to work.
up anywhere from 5:30-45am m-f .. roll out of bed, roll into the shower, get dressed get myself put together (dressed, hair, makeup) to get rosie up at 6:15-20a and get her ready (milky, dressed) and we're out the door by 6:45-6:50 at the LATEST !
i have to be at work by 8a, this includes a dc drop off too.
I used to get up at 7 and leave for work at 7:30, but lately I have been getting up around 6 (and still leaving at 7:30).
I am a morning person and found that having some extra time for my coffee & news makes my morning more pleasant.
When I'm dropping DH off at the train station: the alarm goes off at 7 am, I get out of bed at 7:20, get dressed and am out the door by 7:35. (I don't wear make up or do anything but pull my hair back into a ponytail, I also figure out what I am going to wear while I lay in bed for those 20 minutes between when my alarm goes off and when I actually get dressed).
When I don't have to drop DH off: my alarm goes off at 7:30, I get up by 7:45 and am out the door by 7:55 (my commute is only 8 minutes and no one else gets to the office before 8:15).
I start at 8 am, DH usually catches a 7:50 train to work.
My morning routine has changed drastically in the past year. I get up to shower between 5 and 5:30, depending on whether or not I need to wash my hair. I do minimal makeup which sucks because I used to love choosing different colors in the morning. I also now throw my hair in a ponytail almost every day because I can't have it permanently straightened until I wean Rose and I hate my curls. I then wake up Rose if she isn't already awake and change her and feed her. Then I haul all of our bags out to the car and get the baby buckled in somewhere between 6:45 and 7. I am super lucky that DH prepares my lunch or I would probably end up buying lunch most days. I make sure to do as much as possible at night so the morning is grab and go.
I do wish I had time to eat breakfast at home but I usually only have time to eat a granola bar in the car and breakfast when I arrive at work.
Alarm 6:25
Get Q and get him started on breakfast (7)
Finish make-up and hair
Get Q dressed
Shoes/jackets on (7:30)
Start heading to car
Leave House 7:40 (7:50 latest for me to be on-time)
Walking in door at work 8 (8:15 latest)
I don't eat breakfast at home but will sometimes make myself something to-go. I make my tea at work. DH (usually) packs my lunch and takes Q to school.
On most days:
Alarm #1-off at 5
Alarm #2 off at 5:15
Roll out of bed btwn 5:30-5:40. Get ready to go to the gym or do a workout DVD.
DH's alarm goes off at 6 and he hits snooze 2x. Gets up at 6:30.
He takes a shower while I get coffee made and put our lunches together (we prepare the night before) so we just put them in our lunch bags.
DH eats and I shower (takes 5 mins on non wash hair days) and get ready and I am out the door btwn 7:45-8
DH is out the door around 7:15
All in all an hour to hour and half for me, if you include working out.
coffee eases me into my morning ... rosie makes sure that i have it LOL my starbucks travel mugs have been the best - i have yet to spill in the car.
i bring in a week's worth of breakfasts to work on monday and leave them in the work fridge. i eat breakfast as i go through my morning emails - yogurt, frozen waffles, frozen breakfast sandwiches ....
Good idea about the breakfasts at work.
When I say "ease into the morning," that usually requires hitting the snooze button three times, then making coffee, then drinking it while sitting on the couch and forcing myself awake
I really thought I'd outgrow this "not morning person" thing and be able to function at an early hour as an adult, but it just doesn't seem that easy!
Ask me again next week when I actually go back to work with bubba in tow!
Prior to the kiddo, I used to get up at 5:15am and go to the gym for about an hour and a half, and got to work at 7:15ish, had breakfast there (I work at a hospital, so there is a cafeteria), and went up to the pharmacy.
It only takes me about half an hour to get ready. No make-up and I wear scrubs to work.
These work wonders for us if we have early morning meetings and need to get ready quickly. I warm up the bkfst sandwich while we get our coffee. Then we are out the door.
I don't work, but I do have a kid and school...
Kid only days: we are usually up between 7am and 8am and I make him pancakes or waffles or muffins and sit him down with milk and breakfast with 20 minutes of a mickey mouse clubhouse so I can get ready. I mostly shower at night now in the interest of limiting his time watching TV. So I take 20 minutes to do my hair put on my makeup and brush my teeth. Then I get EJ dressed and we usually go run errands (grocery shopping, etc).
School days I have to be to school usually by 9am so I have to leave at 815am at the latest. I usually get up at 720 and get myself together, get my school stuff together and go, if it is one of my school days that DH is not home to take care of EJ, then I do everything the first one plus leave to take EJ to my mom's and then go to school. But those days I dont need to leave until 10am.
Money Matters The other half's blog.
EJ is growing up too fast!