A local pittie rescue posted they needed a puppy transported to another town about 1/2 hour away from close to where I live. So I offered to do it, figuring it could be something fun for me and the boys to do one night... I didn't get a chance to speak to MH that day about it so it wasn't until I already had the puppy in the car and we were on our way that I got him on the phone (he was at work):
Me: I have a puppy in the car!
Him: Why?
Me: He's our puppy!
Him: What kind of puppy?
Me: A 3 1/2 month old pittie puppy!
Him: (pause) Ok...
I couldn't tell if he was disappointed or relieved when I told him I was only transporting the puppy but the fact that he was just so accepting of his fate, being married to a crazy animal lover, was hilarious!
Re: Obviously MH has resigned himself to his fate... LOL
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
This is how we ended up with Jasper (more or less). Except the rolls were reversed (H was the one who got Jasper with out me knowing).