First of all, I have an OB appt tomorrow afternoon.
Sorry for the TMI. I thought I was having some discharge all day- I just went to the bathroom and there was a tiny bit of old dried looking blood in there. Not a lot just a tiny bit and that was it. Nothing more. Also no cramps, etc.
I'm sorry if you guys think I'm being nuts but after the Trisomy 13 experience last time I'm a little hyper about this. I also did not have any spotting issues with my son back when I was pg with him.
I'm assuming that since it was just a tiny bit of old looking blood that its probably fine and this is normal. Again, I'm going to the dr tomorrow afternoon and I'll ask her about it when I go.
Did this happen to any of you when you were pg? Thanks.
Re: omg- freaking out- is this considered "spotting"
thanks girls, yea, my 'gut' is telling me everything is OK.
I just went to the bathroom again and there was nothing there. And you are right- it wasn't bright red fresh blood, which I know is a bad sign. It was old looking, and very little of it.
Liz, now that I think of it, ever since my D&E my periods were weird too. I had spotting in the middle of my cycle once too- to the point were it was almost a mini period. Dr said it was normal. And I never had that before. Guess your body does change after something like what we went through.
Anyway, I'm just gonna relax and watch some TV before I fall asleep. I know there is nothing I can do and I'll just talk to the dr about it tomorrow.
Thanks for your support and answering me at this late hour- you gals are the best!
How far are you?
Anyway, I spotted a lot with both my boys. The spotting I had leading up to my miscarriage was a bit heavier.
very early, approx 7 weeks.
spotting like you are describing sounds normal. and its totally understandable to feel the way you do. i think everyone who is PGAL feels that way. ((hugs))
hope your dr apt goes well tomorrow
My son will be 5 months old tomorrow .... this time last year I was VERY newly pregnant (is that even a sentence??) .... and I thought for sure I was m/c ... bleeding like my period ... of course this happened on a Sat and couldnt see my OB until Mon ... the moment they went for the u/s his little heart was beating away ...
It is going to be a LONG night for you, but try to stay positive!!
VIBES just in case!
have you done the boom boom recently? i bled like that when i was pg w/grace.
hugs to you!!!!
I spotted around that time with all 3 pregnancies. In fact, with M it was even bright red at one point.
Even with the m/c the midwife said it was normal to spot then. But I could tell by the cramps and things that something was a not right. Try to not worry.
thanks girls. I've had no other spotting since I posted this about 12 hours ago. So I'm hopeful all is OK. I go to the dr in a few hours and hopefully she'll be able to ease my mind further with maybe the doppler sound thing, etc. I'll let you all know.
Thanks for understanding :-)