What are the symptoms that your baby showed? Alexa spits up a lot but I may be overreacting to what is a lot and what is normal because I can count on my hands the number of times Lilah spit up when she was a baby, she never did.
Alexa also coughs a lot an hour or so after feedings when she is lying on her back. She is generally happy but she will fuss and cry when she has a big spit up or gas. She is breastfed but the other day I gave her a bottle of formula to start weaning her and she massively puked it up a few hours after having it. It wasn't spit up it was a major vomit all over the place followed by dry heaving.
I called the Dr. and all they said was try the formula again today and see what happens...
I'm scared she is going to puke again!
Re: Acid Reflux in babies?
We went through this in November:
she would throw up an entire bottle at least once a week. when she burped she sounded like she threw/spit up but she never did
she arched back away from the bottle and she arched her back during the day
she grunted after a bottle and she screamed when she saw the bottle and would eat 2-3 ounces and refuse anymore for hours.
We tried different formula, rice in bottles (which helped with the spitup) but she is on Zantac now b/c she was barely getting 20 oz a day.
Formula is much, much harder to digest than breastmilk. I would keep breastfeeding and stop the formula. Have you considered an allergy? She may be allergic to dairy, soy, or gluten. You may need to eliminate one of them from your diet. Hope she feels better!
Oh, and I also had my little guy wear an Inspired by Finn hazelwood necklace. He was allergic to milk but the necklace helped regulate his acid.
all babies have "reflux" - it's only an issue when it causes the baby to not gain enough weight, or causes the baby pain during eating and the baby won't eat much, etc.
Even large amounts of spit up don't = reflux issues... unless, again, it's keeping baby from proper weight gain.
Gibby used to vomit up HUGE amounts - a few times a week...we could never figure out what the trigger was- but when it happened it was insane.... but he was a chunk- weight was NOT an issue.
Grayson had silent reflux- he NEVER spit up - but had tons of pain while eating and arched his back, screamed, refused eating, etc.... meds helped him and he was happy then and ate fine.
I'd do smaller amounts of formula - perhaps she's taking in a lot more with the bottle than the breast, hence, spitting a lot up.