A few people who shall remain nameless were telling me that I am over-reacting for doing this, that he is too young and blah blah blah...and that since he understands most of what we say that he is fine and will eventually talk. Well, I still called, told them I was concerned that he has NO words at all, etc. (the 1 ped I actually like and trust in our ped office said he should have 5 words by 15 months....he has none). Honestly, I would have been less concerned if he didn't constantly bang his head all the time whenever he gets upset or frustrated. His stranger anxiety has not gotten any better either....figured he'd have grown out of that by now but nope. He sees a new face and flips the f*ck out. Should make things interesting Tues. morning...
Anyway, I talked to them yesterday on the phone, answered all the questions and gave them all of our info and waited for the call back to confirm when they were coming. It all happened surprisingly fast...I figured I'd be waiting for weeks or something or a response. But nope, they're coming Tuesday! Hopefully they will tell me he's fine but I am still nervous.
I'm already trying to find a way to have Ed get Stephanie to school before the therapist comes to the house just so she is not a distraction. If anyone has any idea what to expect from the visit please share.
Re: Evan's E.I. speech evaluation will be Tues. morning...
good luck! You are doing the right thing. Better to get him evaluated to see now rather than wait. If he doesn't need it than that is good but if he does than you will be glad you called and got him started early so that he can catch up if there are delays!
They will come and ask you lots of questions about his development, birth etc and then they will go through a list of things to evaluate him on based on his age range. Then they will probably do things to see how he reacts. See if he turns his head to sounds etc. based on his age range. Then they submit all of that into the computer to see where he comes out developmentally. If he exhibits a certain percentage of delays he will be eligible.
I hope it all goes well! I think EI is a great resource and it's helped my DS and my family greatly over the last 5 months.
You will forever be my best friend. I can almost feel our hugs. I will ensure everyone will know (now and in the future) what a genuine, kind, loving person you were...I already miss your laughter and our daily conversations. I love you, Samantha. May 20, 1983- February 20, 2012