I went to the dr yesterday. She didn't seem worried. She said its normal in early pregnancy - even if it didn't happen during my first pregnancy (and during the Trisomy 13 pregnancy). I told her it looked like old blood mixed with discharge and she said that was normal. She said it could even be pink-ish (which it was today) and still be OK. Its blood-red thats a concern. I also said that I wasn't having any other pains, cramps, etc except some gas! LOL! All of which she said is fine and normal.
It was still too soon to check the heartbeat in the dr's office with the doppler thing on my stomach. But the fact we saw and heard the heartbeat on the u/s last Friday is a really good sign- so thats good. I go back this coming Friday for an updated "make sure the fetus is growing" u/s so really there isn't much I can do until then.
My gut feeling is that everything is OK and that my body is just totally different now since I had the D&E over the summer. Infact for the first time in my life I spot in the middle of my periods- again the dr said thats normal- but that never happened before the D&E. And my follow up after the D&E and u/s afterwards showed no problems, injuries, etc to my uterus and cervix, so again thats good.
I guess -and hope- its just normal early pregnancy spotting!
Re: forgot to update on my spotting issue
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
Glad to hear everything is good and I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing.
August 31st is a good day, I'd say. It's my birthday : )
BFP #2: 11/16/11: M/C at 7 weeks
BFP #3: 03/24/12: C/P 03/28/12
BFP #4: 04/26/12: please be our baby
That's good stuff. I'm glad she didn't seem worried.
Keep us posted. I'm sure Friday will be a great day!