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first night using a diaper doubler...
wish me luck that it works! poor kid has woken up soaked almost every night this week. I tried going up a size in overnight diapers and that hasn't helped -- i think he's just sleeping for so much (close to 13 hours -- lucky me!!!) that nothing is working. Hoping this does the trick.
thanks to the nesties for talking about these over the years. i never would have known about them and tried them otherwise!

my first baby
Re: first night using a diaper doubler...
Good luck. I'm now inventing things & making projects since Ethan wakes up 5 out of 7 nights SOAKED. I'm talking 10 lb diaper, doubler, pj's and sleep sack where I could probably wring them out.
SO, I ordered old men's diaper thing (Tena) to B- a free sample. It came and it's like a giant maxi pad sort of shaped like a kidney. I cut the plastic backing off it so it wouldn't fill then come out the sides of the diaper and used a PAMPERS overnight because I don't know what happened to Huggies, but they've been SUCKING. For me, I think Pampers makes a much better overnight diaper. They're more...elastic? maybe? So, they form to his body better. The Tena pad covered more space than the doubler so I'm crossing my fingers it works better.
We'll see tomorrow...
We have been using the doubles for a LONG time. We don't even use an overnight diaper with them. Just a regular (generic brand) diaper.
Before doublers, Cora was getting up so so wet. We tried every brand of overnight diapers. I hated one of them (not sure which ones) because of the "gel" that the pee would turn into. It was gross and would leak out of the diaper. gross.
We moved to a doubler, and then I guess maybe I ran out of the overnight ones, and just used a regular diaper. She woke up totaly dry. Never went back.
My Blog
Try Fisher Price night time diapers. You can only get them at BRU or TRU but they were the only one's that worked for W.
As you can see I'm having trouble keeping W dry at night. Night Time Pull-Ups aren't working. Last night I tried Good Nights and those didn't work either. Tonight I'm trying out one of the Fisher Price one's to see what happens. It looked pretty small on him so I'm not optomistic. I'll have to see if they make a bigger size.
Where do you guys get the doublers? Or do you just use incontinence pads or something cause this is my next step I guess.
Did you read mine? I'm using Tena mens heavy flow incontinence pads, cut out the back plastic (easily), and put in a Pampers overnight diaper. I'm praying this is the answer. They cover more space than the doubler but aren't super thick. And the Pampers overnights are more elasticy than Huggies, and seem bigger (size 6) than the Huggies that are the same size.
totally increases jackie! when D was S's age, we were able to just go up a size in overnights and that would do the trick. it's a no-go right now. hoping these work!
regina, i got them at BRU in the aisle with the wipes.
They caught my eye last Monday at BRU...$3.49 for 30.
Guess what???? Julia has slept through the night EVERY NIGHT since then EXCEPT last nigth when I forgot to put one on her at bed.