Danny's going to be 4 in March and I'm starting to plan his party. He keeps asking for a train party. I did a train theme for his 2nd birthday though. I've been looking for some ideas. There's a printable train party package from Paper and Cake(I used their car party last year). He wants a cake with a train tunnel and I did figure out how I'm going to make that.
I tried to convince him to have a cooking party since he loves baking and cooking. I told him we could do a make your own pizza party or maybe a cookie party so his friends could all decorate cookies. His response...."yes, they can decorate cookies. Train cookies at my train party"
So it looks like we're having a train party again. Is it weird since he's already had a train birthday party? He doesn't remember that one though. He still talks about his car party from last year and has been telling me how I need to make train decorations now and where he thinks I should put them.
Re: so Danny wants a train party
not weird- he is big enough now- to say what he wants- and just do a different type of train party-
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011