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did we talk about the Cruise ship that flipped?
WOW! There is not much else to say- but how did this happen? At first I thought it was one of those smaller ships, but it wasn't it was a huge ship. And they told the people that nothing was wrong-
I keep getting bits and pieces of information-
I just don't understand!
Kristen(formerly kristen8/16/03, but the nest stinks and I had to change my name)Wife to Mike, Mommy to Kieran 7/25/06 and Michael 7/14/10
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011

Re: did we talk about the Cruise ship that flipped?
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
Mommy to Stephanie Lena - 2.13.07 and Evan Ralph - 9.23.10
Angel Baby (m/c at 9 weeks) - 1.2.09
Christmas Card Picture - 2011
(aka: the only picture I could get of them together that was not blurry and had them both sitting still!)
Click here for My Bio
The Stephanie here to listen!
I just dont know how something like this happens. We have something on our boat that alerts you if you are headed into depths that are too low. I would imagine a ship holding 4,500 people would have something similar.
Also how are people on a boat since 1/8 and have never had an evacuation drill? I thought that was the 1st thing you do before the boat even leaves port. I have never been on a cruise but I thought that was what they did.
And even if they didnt think the issue was serious why not alert people and evacuate just to be safe. Why wait until its a crisis and people end up dead. I mean to tell people everything is OK after plates and cups are flying off the kitchen shelves and garbage cans tip over. If seasoned cruisers knew it was an issue, why didnt the people who work on the ship and start getting people ready to evacuate.
this this this!
I just don't get it!
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
The pictures totally remind me of the old movie the Poseidon Adventure.
Cruises freak me out too- I don't like the idea of being "stuck" on a ship and not able to leave. But the whole possibility of a disaster like this freaks me out too.
I agree with all of you too about it.
I heard that this all happened the first day of the cruise before they even had the emergency drill so no one knew what to do. It also sounds like the staff was inept. It wasn't women and children first, basically every man for themselves.
A girl I saw being interviewed said "have you ever seen the movie Titanic? Getting to the lifeboats was exactly like that" How scary!!
I think the Captain is an idiot as well. Aren't they supposed to go 'down with the ship'? Apparently he bailed pretty quickly.
this article on cruise critic explains a lot of what has gone on including this:
What about the safety drill? Was one conducted?
Per International Maritime Organization regulations, a safety drill must be conducted within 24 hours of a ship leaving an embarkation port. According to Foschi, the accident occurred some 3.5 hours after Concordia departed from Civitavecchia. Just under 700 new passengers boarded the ship in Civitavecchia, so, according to the CEO, the other roughly 2,500 passengers had already been drilled. The next drill had been scheduled for Saturday morning, said Foschi, when the ship was set to pick up more passengers in Savona.
As far as cruising not being safe, well, take this for what it's worth b/c I'm a huge cruising fan, but cruising is safer than driving your car and even flying in a plane (IMO). Millions of people cruise everyday. This was an extreme, tragic accident, most likely caused by extremely poor judgment of the captain. He needs to be held accountable and start spilling as to what he exactly did. There are conflicting reports if he abandoned ship but if he did, its disgusting.
As far as them not giving out more info, can you imagine what wouldve happened if they said right off the bat, the ship will sink in 2 hours, calmly go get your life vest, etc? I agree they definitely didnt handle it well, but I'm not sure what the exact right thing to do is either.
It is terrible that anyone died at all but they were also able to save over 4000 people. I'm sure some of the crew were "worthless" in the crisis and some were heroes. I think they will be re-evaluating saftey measures and which will only make cruising even safer.
all that said though, the image of that ship on its side is very jarring to me. I can't stop thinking about it actually, how scard everyone was, the people with children, the panic and rush for lifeboats, all of it. And I can't stop imagining what we wouldve done if we were on that cruise with Vincent. I've been on 12 cruises and while I'm not running out to book one right now, I know I'll cruise again in the future.
this totally