HV- home visit.
They are a retired couple. They just lost their 12 year old blue heeler. I have no idea what this breed is like, but it sounds hyper. So anyway.
I had a great phone conversation with the man. We set up a time to meet last night and I showed up, right on time, with Guinness.
Before I even closed the front door, his wife is standing there, firing questions at me with no time to answer in between. What does he do if people walk in front of the house what does he do if people knock on the door what does he do if someone comes in how will he be with the grandkids what does he do with other dogs how much does he bark she doesn't want a barker will he bark does he jump she doesn't want a jumper. on and on and on and on.
The husband finally told her, very calmly and softly, that he can train barking and jumping easily and to calm down.
They never invited me into the house. They stood in the foyer the ENTIRE home visit. I actually walked G throughout their house so I could see it. I then helped myself into their bathroom while they took him to the back yard to pee and see how he is on a leash.
She invited her daughter and her 4 children over so they could see G with the kids (he is awesome with kids). The DD was a straight up b!tch to me. Barking, "how much he weigh? he purebred? where did he come from? he ride in the car a lot?" I mean, she just did not care one bit about making a good impression on me. But she doesn't live there, so I just ignored her most of the time.
I left with a bad feeling about the wife. I really liked the husband though.
They declined adoption early this morning. I am glad they saved me the headache of thinking up an excuse for why he's not a good fit for them.
Re: I had the oddest HV last night for G
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
I *HATE* that kind of thing. I'm sure they'll buy from a BYB or something and end up with a hellion of a dog. It's like they think they were custom-ordering and had to make sure he was perfect. Ugh.
Sorry you had to deal with it, but really glad you didn't have to come up with a reason to say no!
TTC #1 @ 38, Dx: ovulation issues
15 treatment cycles: c/p 4/11, m/c 12/11 (6w), possible ectopic + MTX 4/12 (7w)
Another c/p in 12/12
Moving forward with domestic infant adoption!
That sounds really weird! And yeah, as I mentioned in my post to KatiesCats....I was falling all over myself to make a good impression with Tinker's foster mom!
Hopefully they will stay committee to rescue....and Daughter will chill out!
Sounds like husband and wife were not on the same page about adopting at all, and wife was looking for reasons to say no to the match. It's nice they declined for you, but it's a shame they wasted your time in the first place.
"The hardest thing is to live richly in the present without letting it be tainted out of fear for the future or regret for the past." - Sylvia Plath
I *think* my OB's nurse is going to apply to adopt him. I would LOOOOOVE for him to go home with her because I "know" her, if you will.
Isn't this a RIOT- so if G went home with my OB's nurse. DH and I are in the process of buying my OB's house. We didn't realize it was her house until we made the offer and saw her name on the form.
But fate has a way of doing stuff like this!