So this is my third- I'm due in just 2 weeks and I am completely shut down. My cervix is closed, I'm barely softened, not effaced and the baby's head isn't even in my pelvis, it's still too high up. I wasn't even this locked up with my other two (delivered at 41 and 40 weeks- both inductions.)
Needless to say- I haven't rested this entire 9 months, I've been so busy and I was more than a little shocked that there was nothing going on at all. So my question is- has anyone here ever gone from completely closed to going into labor on their own in a short span of time? My only premonition/feeling this whole pregnancy was that the baby was coming on his/her own and that I wouldn't get induced this time. Le sigh.
Re: Pregnancy/Dilating Question
I went from "there is no way you'll have this baby on time or even late so we'll schedule an induction" to having a baby the next day.
Heck my sister went from the doc telling her "We're going to send you home" to having a baby in 15 minutes!
Im no help here - i was induced a week late with both girls and now at the same time as you - nothing going on. I am fine with another induction a week late though because it gives me more time and both of my other inductions went so well.
I am more worried about going into labor on my own and getting to the hospital on time since once labor starts my kids have come pretty quick.
i was 3cm for 3 weeks with my first.
with my 2nd i was closed up tight at my last check up, which was at 6PM. I woke up at 4AM, 10 hours later, in labor. I got to the hospital at 630AM and was 9cm dilated.
Both my inductions were just soooooo long- ugh. He said that as of right now I'm completely un-induceable and unless there is a significant change, he won't consider another induction until at least 41 weeks. Here we go again! Lol!
I went into labor on my own with DD1- I was dying from the contractions for hours and hours and I was about 1.5 cm. After 12 hours, I then had to be induced- this was at 41w 2d. My second I was induced 2 days before my edd bc it was on NYE. That was a 1cm for several weeks and a 12 hour labor. Just when I thought it would for sure happen, I'm even worse off lol!!! Oh well!