I'm compiling a list of things I think are really funny... but I'm discovering that my sense of humor is "really strange" or "bizarre" to other people. So, let's have it: what do you guys think is funny?
In no particular order, here's what I've got... but please, add your own to this thread!
The Simpsons
Monty Python (especially the Holy Grail)
Ricky Gervais
Eddie Izzard
Steve Martin
Tina Fey
Steve Carell
Kevin Kline/John Cleese...
Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as done by BBC Radio
Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert and Daily Show/Colbert Report
Adam Carolla's podcasts
Jimmy Fallon
Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter
David Letterman
Dave Barry columns from sorta back in the day
Will Farrel movies
Zooey Deschanel
Most of what George Takei posts on his facebook page
LOL Catz, ICanHazCheezburger, etc.
Hyperbole and a Half (yes, pretty much everything)
...and as of this weekend, I just discovered Flight of the Conchords and think they're the most hilarious thing EVER...
Re: Need a laugh?
Katie Talks About...
The Simpsons
Ricky Gervais
Eddie Izzard
Steve Martin
Tina Fey
Steve Carell
Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert and Daily Show/Colbert Report
Jimmy Fallon
Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter
I think David Sedaris is about the funniest human being ever. I love Aziz Ansari, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, and Andy Samburg.
Have you seen Portlandia? It kind of reminds me of some of the stuff on your list (although it's not my cup of tea...).
I have heard an interview of two folks on Portlandia - and I am wayyy interested in checking it out. Also, LOVE David Sedaris. Big, huge puffy heart him. I'll have to check out the others, too. Amy Poehler and Wil Arnet, hilarious together, apart, freakin' love them both... Ok, yeah. Hehehe
I think he's so funny on Up All Night! Christina Applegate is pretty funny, too.
Ok, I'm adding more here, because I'm trying to centralize a bunch of random "funny" into one place for myself later...
Mike Birbigila
Tom Lehrer
They Might Be Giants (lyrics)
...ok, most kids movies that adults also like have me rolling.
...far too many things amuse me or all out make me bust a gut. Is that a bad thing?
Oooh, Arrested Development, too. That's some seriously funny stuff.
Which reminds me of Office Space and The Office. *sigh*
*wanders off back into her ADD chuckling sphere of funny things...*
I remember a year ago when I had pneumonia I damn near killed myself reading some of those. My laughter would trigger a coughing fit, but I just couldn't stop (reading AND coughing!)
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