well, my dr got me in for an u/s at MFM this morning. The u/s confirmed that there was nothing there. Looks like I passed everything naturally and won't have to have a D&C (thank goodness). I then went to my OBs office and they took blood to do an hcg test and then I have to go back on Thurs to make sure the numbers go down. I think they just want to make sure that everything is out of me.
Both the MFM specialist and my OB agreed that my husband and I should go for genetic testing in a few weeks. There is no way of knowing what happened with this pregnancy but with my Trisomy 13 history they just want to have the knowledge. I'm not really sure whats involved with genetic testing so if any of you have experience with it, please let me know.
So thats whats going on here. It sucks, I'm disappointed but man this is 1000x easier than what happened last time.
Re: an update on me
I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
DH and I saw a hematologist before we started TTC after we got married. Hematologist was covered, genetic counseling wasn't. They just did bloodwork and looked for certain markers and reviewed with us. RMA did genetic testing too, which was just bloodwork. They never reviewed it with us, so I guess they didn't find anything.
Good luck!
Became a Mrs. on 4/29/06 and a Mommy on 12/5/08
I'm so sorry. Hopefully those numbers go down to zero fast for you.
We did bloodwork for genetic testing but nothing more than that. Not sure if that's all you are talking about.
yea, I don't really know what it all entails. I was sort of paying attention (I know thats bad, but it was the last thing on my mind) In a week or so I'll have to call and find out what exactly it is all about.
I don't mind doing it, but I already have a healthy 3 yr old so I don't know why I really have to do it- but I guess its better than having this keep happening and possibly later on in a pregnancy.
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
I'm so sorry.
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
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It truly is the most magical place on earth! Disney 2011
I am so sorry.
Mommy to Stephanie Lena - 2.13.07 and Evan Ralph - 9.23.10
Angel Baby (m/c at 9 weeks) - 1.2.09
Christmas Card Picture - 2011
(aka: the only picture I could get of them together that was not blurry and had them both sitting still!)
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