I'm kind of freaking out a little here. I work from home, and have 2 nannies who are college students take care of H full time. Well, let me rephrase, one girl is a college student and one graduated college but can't find a teaching job, so she works for me until she finds something or decides what to do with her life. They are both fairly young, in their 20's. They are very good friends, and have made their schedules mesh so that between the two of them, I have care from 9:30-6:30 daily.
Anyway, one girl had to have surgery on her foot, and the other girl is working full time for me (she's on break) so the other girl's foot can heal. Well, the doctor underestimated her recovery time, and she's not sure when she can sit for us now. It can be a couple days or possible a couple weeks. Her friend starts school on Thursday, and she was splitting days everyday with the hurt girl. I don't know what to do with H. The hurt girl had more hours than the girl who is in school, so do I look for daycare for a couple weeks? DH's company has emergency daycare at Bright Horizons on Campus Drive in Florham Park (anyone ever have experience?) but I rather not have her in daycare just for a couple weeks, with a place I don't know much about. The good thing is that it's super cheap, $25/per day, but DH only gets 12 days a year for emergency care. If you got this far, thanks for reading. I need a drink and a plan STAT!
Re: So basically, I'm kind of screwed....
that is one of the big disadvantages of having a nanny...
i would use the daycare. $25/day is a steal. our daycare is $70/day if you add on.
ah, I guess I can ask her, good idea. I wouldn't know this person from jack though...but I guess if I'm home...
I worked at that center when I was in college.
I would see if either of them have a good friend they can recommend to you... otherwise, I guess try the daycare. The thing that sucks about that option, though, is that H will take a few days or so to get used to it, and then it could be time to pull her.
You also need a backup plan AGAIN if you use all 12 days before your sitter can work again... So that might not even really be a solution.
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
If you worked there, how was it? Would you feel comfortable leaving your kids there?
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*