Hi, my name is Brittany. I am from Tampa. I have been a member of The Nest for some time, and I am hoping you wonderful ladies can help me. My home burnt down one week before Christmas (4 weeks ago tomorrow night), in Tampa FL. My husband, myself, my younger brother who was visiting from college, and my two children were all in the house. As most of you moms know, teething is a TERRIBLE stage. I can say I will NEVER complain about teething or a middle of the night wake up call, again. We got out alive because I was awake feeding the baby and trying to put him back to sleep. The fire began in the garage and engulfed the kitchen in a matter of seconds. We were renters (hoping to lease/option the home upon renewal) and did not have insurance, and we lost every little single thing that we owned. If the flames did not damage it, the wet soot and smoke did. Even a professional company could not save our belongings, and the home will have to be demolished.
The community stepped up big time and helped my family in an unimaginable way. I will never be able to explain the feeling and gratitude I have for what others did for us. My husband and I have decided we want to pay it forward, so we are starting a foundation to help families in need due to tragedy, who need it. Our foundation is not set up yet, however a local news station (baynews9.com) had a certain story on yesterday about another house fire near us. I decided that I wanted to help them. I got in touch with the reporter who did their story, and asked them to put me in touch with the family. So, here we are. I spoke to the family tonight and their situation is absolutely heartbreaking. I am hoping that you ladies can help me help them. ANYTHING you can give, if even just a prayer (and yes prayers are just as powerful)! If you cannot personally help them in any way, if you could please share their story. Facebook is beyond powerful and can reach many people. I know a lot of families go through tragedy, but if we can help one family, we can all pay it forward. Going through this myself, I know the feeling Cynthia has all too well. I know she needs support, and help.. and asking for it is not easy. I do not know this family in any way, but I feel a connection due to our situations being so similar, and I just HAVE to help.
I have
created a website for them on the same site that my brother used when he
set up a site for my family. I also plan to call around tomorrow to
local companies to see if I can get some help for them- possibly meals
from restaurants, a dentist to possibly offer to give Cynthia a new
partial (dentures), the poor lady is walking around without it, and
hopefully a storage unit to donate a month to them so that people can
donate furniture and give them a place to store it until they find a
place to live. I am also hoping to find a hotel that will offer a low
cost fee, as the red Cross funds will expire Friday and as of right now
they have nowhere to go. I am asking for your help, in any way possible.
All of the information is on the page that I created for them. Thank
you, in advance, for your kindness.