so to answer some questions, I honestly don't know if this was for good or not. they do shift her around sometimes for an hour or 2 at a time to accommodate slow times or someone leaving early. Whatever, I'm usually alright w/ it. But the one director was talking about getting all of her stuff out of her old room and bringing it to her new room. Her regular teacher is also pg and going out on leave in a couple weeks so it was along the lines of "well this is where she's going to end up anyway". Her regular teacher told me a couple weeks ago that if it weren't for her eating issues Grace would be ready to go to the toddler room ASAP (she eats almost NOTHING that school provides and I bring yogurt and stage 3 fruits and veggies that she needs to be fed) Bottom line, I'll have to talk to either/both of the directors tomorrow.
So after she was there about 15 minutes they sat her down for snack time. They put her in a chair w/ no arms or a strap which she has never sat in before and she fell out and hit her face on the table. Apparently it was bad enough they wrote up an incident report. Not sure if they should have called me but they didn't. They had to put ice on it and H said it is all bruised. I'm livid. And I'm probably over reacting a bit but they sent her teacher home b/c it was slow. Hey, I GET having to cut payroll. I deal w/ it on a daily basis but NOT at the expense of my child getting thrown into an unfamiliar situation out of convenience.
I'm just upset b/c the whole day just seemed to go bad. I know we'll all move on but she was so sad at drop off then she got hurt 15 minutes later and some unfamiliar teacher was trying to comfort her I didn't even get to see her tonight b/c I was working.
Re: update to my daycare post....not a good day
i would be upset too. you need to talk to the director. its one thing if she's OLD enough to move into the other room. but she doesn't sound like she's ready and seriously a switch because your short staffed for a few days OK fine. i get that. but to move kids to an infant room because he's not walking and then up to another room when she's not ready. i'd have a major beef with that
(now granted kids fall and she's getting towards the clumsy age i'd still be pissed)
I'd be really upset ,too -esp about the incident with the chair- that is unacceptable... they should be buckling in all kids!
Our daycare has a policy if there are any injuries to the face/head they need to call just to give a warning... so we alawys know if something happens to their face like that - i'd talk to the director to find out their policy and if they followed it.
it's also sh!tty policy to move her with no warning. If it was for one day - i can understand- but to actually move her like that is just wrong. She should have had time in that room a few hours a day before moving her totally.
i hope you can work it out - or find a place you are totally happy with. IT's hard to leave your child every day - especially if you aren't satisfied with the care she's getting .((((HUGS)))
I didn't see your other post, but that would bother me too. In all the places I've known, they transition kids slowly to the next room, over a matter of weeks - not just plop her in with a new teacher in a new room one day out of blue for a whole day.
good luck, I hope you get it straightened out.
This leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Is it a smaller center without policies for these things? Because I've never seen transitions happen this quickly and without the right measures in place to make sure the kids are safe.
Falling out of a chair and hitting her face is upsetting and the fact that they didn't call you is unacceptable. If an accident happens they need to call. Period.
I'm really sorry.
Sorry she had a rough day.
I'd be a little annoyed about the fast move (though my oldest only does fast moves because he doesn't do the gradual ones well). The chair, not so much. But at my center they stop putting kids in chairs with buckles once they walk. They have chairs that are low to the ground.
ETA: And I personally would not be annoyed they didn't call me. I personally wish they didn't call for things like this. I have no ability to do anything about it while I'm at work so the call serves no real purpose except to make me worry or feel bad about leaving them. I'd rather you spend the 5 minutes you spent calling me playing with my kid.
Feel free to call me. I have my opinions on some things as well (both current and past issues). I'd love to chat. I'll PM you my number. Also curious as to what time you dropped off Grace this morning...she wasn't happy when I saw her.
Ladies, my kids are also at this's a small chain daycare. They should/do have policies in place. I know my older son's teacher went home sick earlier in the week but not sure what's going on exactly myself as my younger just transitioned (later than we were told).
I would be livid too! When they moved Evan up out of "conveinence" the new staff overlooked the afternoon bottle he was still supposed to get. Several times too! I think you need to make a complaint to the director. They're making their needs by moving her early and unexpectedly; they should be meeting her needs.
I would find a new daycare if the situation doesn't improve immediately. I am so sorry you have to deal with that bullsh*t.
Mommy to Stephanie Lena - 2.13.07 and Evan Ralph - 9.23.10
Angel Baby (m/c at 9 weeks) - 1.2.09
Christmas Card Picture - 2011
(aka: the only picture I could get of them together that was not blurry and had them both sitting still!)
Click here for My Bio
The Stephanie here to listen!
thanks ladies for the opinions. I honestly didn't know if I was maybe overreacting at all. I get accidents happen and all but it's just seemed a bit unorganized since the new year started.
Ang.....I'm off to go see if you PM'd me. I dropped her off early for her, 7:45. Chris and I both had to work early. Usually she doesn't go in till close to 10. I had to wake her up to take her. She may have been tired?? But she was fine when I left so I don't know what happened.
BFP #2 10/29/08 ...stillborn via c/s @41w 7/20/09
missing my baby everyday
BFP #3 1/20/10 My angel's little sister Grace Madison was born September 8th 2010 @37w. We're so blessed! Thank you angel for getting her here safely.
BFP #4 12/30/11. Jackson Christopher 8/22/2012 via repeat c/s @ 37w 3d