We have been dealing with sleep issues for a long time now, and am at my wits end. I have spoken to my ped several times and they keep telling me its the age, but it's really taking a toll on me and DH.
We put her in the bed read to her lay with her for a little while, and then she is still tossing and turning. Last night she laid in bed for 3 hours before she finally fell asleep at 10:45. The night before last it was 11. I can stop her naps but sometimes she still really needs them.
She acted out at school yesterday, was roaming around and wouldn't listen to her teacher. She acts like that when she is tired, and doesn't know what to do with herself. We have tried to take things away from her but she still just lays there at night. When I ask her what's wrong she says nothing, she just doesn't want to go to sleep.
I'm thinking she is having nitemares and that's why she doesn't want to go to sleep, but she says no. It's also very rare that she sleeps through the nite. At some point I wake up and she is in the bed with us. Nto sure what else to do... I am worried that maybe there is something wrong.
Re: My 3 1/2 year old does not want to fall a sleep...HELP!!!
my friend has had the SAME problem. she had to stop her naps because her ped thought she was having night terrors and thats why she wasn't getting a good sleep and it would take her HOURS to fall asleep.
are you pg? she might be acting out towards the upcoming change
i would try dropping the nap if you could or shortening it? like ours kids nap for 2 hours. i only want belle to nap for an hour so they wake her up
We've struggled with bedtime with our oldest for months now too. One night he came out of his room 17 times before he finally stayed in bed. Not to mention he comes into our room at least 2-3 times a night where we either walk him back or sadly don't even hear him come in and climb into our bed. It's exhausting and frustrating. Sticker charts/rewards haven't worked for him nor has taking things away.
No advice. I wish I knew the answer.
He HAS suffered from night terrors since he was just over a year old but I don't believe that's what it is. When I ask him why he keeps getting out of bed his answer is he doesn't like his bed. He's in a toddler bed now (that he begged for!) and DH wants to convert his crib to a full size bed but I'm worried we'll spend money on a new mattress/bedding etc and he'll pull the same crap. Not to mention we'd have to rearrange his whole room to fit it.
In our case it doesn't matter if he naps or not - he does the same thing every night. Nap days are worse though. He does wake up happy most mornings though.
my older one gave her nap before age 3 and usually went to bed after 9pm. it feels like the longest day ever, but when we put her down earlier, she would lay there and make us all miserable for hours. i'd cut the nap and start slowly moving bedtime around until you find a good time when she's tired and ready for bed.
Same for us!
Minus the night terrors, this is our 3 year old to a tee. It causes total friction btw my husband and I every night lately b/c it's been going on for about 6 months now....I guess we all just need to hang in there and hope it's just a phase, a horrible phase that seems may never end, but a phase!