So i have been in this Graduate school program since 2007. I am now doing my thesis-no classes left. I took Thesis I in september 2010. Then i moved into Thesis II for Spring 2011. (With a different advisor because mine went on Sabbatical).
Some background is that my thesis I was not as finished as it could've been because my dad was dx'd with intermediate prostate cancer so I was focused on finding him different doctors and getting him squared away with surgery etc. Also during all this time I have been working FULL time emergency certified in my field of study. In Spring, I met with my advisor a few times and continued to make my methods section of how I would collect my research data. I ended up swamped with (work) -work and pushed out my data collection while I workedSummer school, while I also externed p/t at a hospital. I did collect my data but didn't find significant results. I was originally gonna graduate Dec but since my data wasnt great and since my district is NOT in contract, I didnt see an incentive to rush to do write the whole thing up and study for Comprehensive and Praxis exams.
Fast forward to now, I am doing data collection and plan to Graduate May. WELL, we JUST got an email TODAY to 6 of us who are in the same boat, saying we have to RE-register for Thesis II !!!!! Mind you, the semester started yesterday, and there was absolutely NO NOTICE about this prior. My advisor never said anything to me and it was never discussed with any of us!!! !! Also let me add this advisor is NOT responsive at all!! I probably met with him 3 times maybe 4 times if that, so I dont feel i need to pay for more of his time!! People mail him thesis and he doesnt respond for weeks at times.
Not ot mention my husband has been OUT of work for 1 1/2 years until just recently, I was also financially stressed.during this whole time. Anyway, one student already wrote them saying this is ridiculous and they said it wil be revisited at their faculty meeting next week. I am going to email them also saying that there should have been notice. But also I Have this can they make you pay for a class again if you never received a grade for the 1st one????
WWYD? are there any valid points? Should we involve the dean or wait until after their meeting? It is so stressful! I dont have that money since MH was out of work, and I dont really have that much room that to put $2k on credit card is alot to add to our already growing CC debt!!! This stinks!!!
I need to graduate May to have my job in September!!
Re: Do you think this is fair? WWYD? sorry its long
i would call teh admins and the person you are assigned to. once that is done i would make regularly appointments with the person you are assigned to. my advisor was so busy with meetings and teaching and everything else that unless i made a weekly meeting she would have cared less if i showed up or not. it was my thesis, my degree, i needed to be responsible to get it done and be approved for graduation. And I bet for a may graduation you need to have your thesis done and approved about month prior to graduation. I know i must have rewrote mine about 10 times even after my advisor said it was in great shape to be done in time to graduate.