well ok realistically i will never find a balance. but i am having a REALLY hard time adjusting right now. i feel so rushed at night and the fact that he's awake for like 20 minutes by the time i get home makes me feel AWESOME.
I am having a hard time balancing giving both kids attention (well its easier once cole is asleep which happens fairly quick after i get home) but i hate having to tell belle shhhhhhhhhh be quiet. no i can't play right now i am giving cole his bottle ect.
then its make dinner and clean and make bottles for the next day.
i feel like my house is even MORE of a disaster
and i feel like when i am at work i am just thinking about them all day. its probally because he's sick right now.
but i feel sucky as a mom right now. when will i get into my groove. i've been back to work since just after new years
Re: working moms of 2+ when will i find my balance
Sorry you're having a hard time. But, know that you are not alone in feeling this way. I actaully posted earlier this week asking how working moms hand it all: http://community.thenest.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/62064517.aspx
I'm starting to find a real balance. I was struggling so much that I ended up having to see a therapist for depression, but I managed to avoid any meds for it.
Anyway, some days are a lot tougher than others, but I've gotten over the guilt of telling Matthew he needs to take a backseat to his brother sometimes because I know he understands. If Shawn is really fussy I will set M up with a movie or playdoh or art and ask him to please play by himself. And now he gets to do special projects with me after S is in bed if he is good. Most days now though he will actually play with S to help me.
MH is not really here much before bedtime but I have really pushed him to help more in the AMs and when he is here. Most of the work still falls on me though.
One thing that has REALLY helped me is to make a written menu for the week and make as many crockpot or just reheat meals as possible. This way I have dinner on the table within 15 minutes of walking in the door. This is critical to the rest of the night working.
MH and I prep the lunches for both kids before bed.
As far as the messy house... somethings I have to let slip. Otherwise MH and I have agreed to stop watching so much TV at night time. We also came up with a bit of a schedule for cleaning that has us clean certain areas of the house a few nights a week. I know "cleaning schedules" got made fun of here, but we agreed to it and its actually cut down on the stress here and given us more free time because we work together to get it done.
It's still a work in progress but it helps.
thanks ladies. this helps and i am going to check out the other post.
liz-i am feeling alot of anxiety over this and getting depressed and i am SO not good at discussing my feelings lol. but i feel i am headed in that direction.
ken helps and does stuff. but its just so hard. argh
thank god once a month i have a cleaner cause once a month my house gets cleaned lol. like clean clean.