I just wanted to give an update, even though we know nothing more than we did this morning.... but you have all been so amazing and I didn't want you to think I forgot about that.
We know it was part of this car bomb http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2012-01/19/c_131369259.htm
And it's listing many civilian deaths... which he technically is b/c he's now a contractor doing security for the army there... so he travels around with the military. So it's not fun reading the news online... I like to think they would call again if he passed... and this morning they called and said he WAS alive, just badly injured, so that's all we can go on.
again- thank you so much. I will update once I hear anything.
And again- please nothing on fB... still haven't told some family (his teenage son that lives with his ex-wife for instance... b/c we have such little info we feel it would just make it terrible for him, too).
Re: Update re: BIL... no update :(
Continued prayers...
I can't even begin to grasp what this is like for you. Thanks for keeping us posted... Like you, I'd like to think that no news is good news.
You haven't left my mind all day... TONS of prayers for you guys.
How's your husband? And MIL?
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
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