Long story short, DH and I worked for the same company. When DH was hired (I had already been there for three years) we were very clear with the boss that he should treat us no differently than any other employee and to keep our relationship out of the business. We were very firm from the get go that if one of us left or was fired it wouldn't affect the other.
This wouldn't matter at all if we were completely done with the business, but I had agreed to contract on a few events next year. We didn't actually put anything in writing before I left and up until DH was laid off, I was waiting for the email with the contracts to sign. Today was DH's last day and I just got an email from our old boss, it is very professional, stating that he knows that laying of DH put him at risk of losing me and my expertise for the work we had agreed on but he still wants me to work with the company on the events.
There is nothing I would love more than to walk away. He can't do the events well without me, I built them from the ground up and all of the intellectual property is in my brain which is why he wanted to bring me back as a contractor this summer. Unfortunately, the contract is worth a pretty penny and without any income I can't justify walking away with a new baby. The money I could bring in would get us by for a few months.
I'm so torn, what I want and what we need aren't lining up and it kills me to fold just for money right now. I feel like he wins still and I'm still a pawn. It means seven more months of working with/for that company. If I walk, I'm also going back on DH and I's word of saying we're separate employees and should be treated as such. This whole situation just really sucks.
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Re: How far would you go for $$
The Out-Of-Date Bio | The Blog I've Started Updating Again
Tizzle 10/07 ~ Boppy 7/09 ~ Chicken 1/12
2014 Reading Goal: 85
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
Do you need to give a firm answer or sign the contract right away? If not, I'd be tempted to tell him that you and your husband and figuring out what to do right now and it may be that you will need to take a full time position wih benefits for your family. Then make him sweat a week or two until you figure out what your h's options are. Then if you still need the money, you could agree to do so in a week or two.
Of course that is what is would WANT to do, not necessarily what I would actually end up doing.
This. Don't look at it like doing him a favor... You guys will benefit from it so I would take the work.
Did you agree upon your rate/pay for the events? I would negotiate for more than you had originally planned. It's a small world so I'd do it because I said I would even though I'd want to walk.
Lemme get this straight:
1. DH has no income and you're unsure about job prospects.
2. You have no income.
3. You have a child to support.
4. The current economy and future projections for the economy suckkkk..
It's not about anyone winning. Even if he was the biggest cocck sucker in the world I'd take the job and do it with a smile on my face (while b!tching about it every second I wasn't at work).
It's about taking care of your family.
This is one of those "life's not fair" moments but you do what you've got to do when the chips are down.
Being a grown up isn't fun sometimes but being a parent puts a whole new spin on the things you do when you have to do them.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
I agree with everyone else, keeping food on the table is not folding or giving in, even though it probably won't be fun.
Do you have to answer right away? Can you work your contacts and find something full time with benefits at a different company? I think that it would be pretty understandable to say that because your family situation has changed you can't do the events and need to take a new job that might come with benefits.
If you decide to sign the contract and do the events, use the opportunity to renegotiate and try to get more money and benefits until you are finished.
ETA: I agree with WC- it is a small world so you want to protect your reputation and not burn any bridges if you can avoid it.
I also think you should do it.
It's a small world, and it will speak volumes FOR you when people see you working with the boss that laid off your DH, holding up your end of the agreement when you have every reason to walk away. Plus, you never know what contacts you'll make that will help you both out in the future.