thank you thank you thank you for the prayers, thoughts and vibes!
My SIL finally got in touch with him... he was very groggy but said he didn't need surgery but had a lot of broken bones. He remembers the bomb hitting them, and then his partner firing at something... and then he woke up in the hospital.
He will likely be there for 3 days... not sure what happens after that- he was groggy and couldn't talk long.
So, as long as there are no other complications or things he didn't know about - it all sounds good. He has all his limbs... and nothing life threatening. Oh, God, this was good to hear.... esp before we all went to bed.
Again- thank you for the prayers - it means the world.
Re: Good update!
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The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
*always remembering Annaleigh Lucy*
Fantastic news!
I will keep them in my prayers for a speedy recovery!