My sweet boy has turned into a bit of a monster since we've brought the baby home. I know part of this is because he's so young (19 months) and doesn't really understand what just happened to his life.
He's usually fine when the baby sleeps, but when she's up and wants to be held, needs to eat, etc he's just awful. He'll start throwing toys around, come over and just start slapping/hitting me, the baby, whoever else is here. When he needs his diaper changed he'll start yelling and throw himself on the floor - flail his arms and legs and smack you in the face. It's awful
Does anyone have experience/advice for trying to curb this? He was so good before, but in the last 2 weeks, he's so different. I've tried time-out - it worked for the jumping off the couch - but it's not working for the hitting.
Sorry it's so long...I'm just really sad that this is happening. Any advice is much appreciated.
Re: Need some help w/behavior
I think it may just be a stage he is going through. My boys are a few months older then your boy but they do they same type of behavior. (except the diaper thing)
One of them hits a lot, but they both do it, they both love throwing their toys around too. It's really annoying, I keep saying "no, don't do that, it hurts" and tell them to apologize. (They demonstrate they are sorry by gently patting who ever they hit). But they think its funny and do it again a few seconds later.
So I have no advice. I just wanted to let you know it may not have much to do with the new baby, it could just be his age/stage.
I think I'd be very firm about the hitting and toy throwing (since both are pretty hazardous to you and the baby). Any toy that goes flying goes in time-out. No exceptions. And don't give it back to him for a day or so. He'll pitch a fit but will eventually get over it.
For hitting I used to say "hugs not hits" and make her hug me. Then one day she slapped me and I got really mad but somehow managed to to keep it together and I walked away from her and said "Mommy doesn't play with hitters". She howled and followed me around for a few minutes but she never hit after that.
Is it possible before you feed the baby that you give him 1:1 time. Something like "we're going to play cars for 10 min then I'm going to feed the baby". Or can you feed the baby while reading a story to him or playing w/ one hand? Or can there be a special job/toy for him that's only available during feeding time?
He's so young and this is such a big adjustment for him (and you). I hope someone has better, tried and true solutions.
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