This is all happening so fast!
Short story... we are having our IVF egg transfer on Tuesday! Unfortunately, DH will be out of town for work. I already have someone lined up to drive me to/from the clinic.
What I need help with are the progesterone shots. I need them done between 6am-8am on Wednesday and Thursday in my hip (so I cannot do them myself). I live near Speer and Washington. Anyone want to volunteer to jab me? I can pay!!! And there is a video I can show you to "teach" you. If Matt can do it, anyone can do it
Long story... we planned to do our egg retrieval this cycle, then freeze the eggs while genetic testing was being done. Egg transfer would then happen in April. My body decided to ovulate on its own, even though I was taking meds to prevent ovulation. So, we lost some (four) eggs and only got two in the transfer. Genetic testing has been canceled since we don't want to risk freezing two eggs and the transfer is happening on Tuesday if the eggs grow the amount they need to! Since we didn't plan on egg transfer this cycle, that is why Matt will be out of town for work (and since he is the only one working in this family, he shouldn't really cancel the trip).
Re: I need help...
Phewph, I'm glad Andrea can help you. I was going to say you could come to our house (which isn't too far from you), but I'm not sure I can do it. I can give myself and have given my dog Sub-Q shots, but I don't think I am cut out for giving IM shots.
Also, I'm going to be replying to our PM thread about a related bit of news.....
That would be wonderful and so helpful! Thank you, thank you, thank you! The RE said the shot needs to be given 2 hours before bloodwork time and that time you can do it is perfect!
I'm PMing you my address.
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri