I never answer my phone and I wish I didn't today. A cheer mom calls me, doesnt even say hi or how are you.....nothing. Just starts talking about how she called our practice gym where we are set to have practice tomorrow morning and they are waking on me to make the decision on whether or not to have practice or change the time. There are a ton of factors involved. Obviously I will not hold practice if the weather is bad. It's morning and it's cold and I know what black ice is. I cannot make a decision yet because it is 1 pm. I don't see a cloud or a flake or anything. I already told them we aren't changing the time because the coaches are not available. If its poor weather I will cancel so please be patient. This woman is going on and on about how it WILL snow and I NEED to make a decision now.I am 99% sure I am canceling , but I am waiting on a couple more hours to be sure it doesn't blow over. The audacity of these people just kills me. I actually had to say, "ma'am, please be assured that you will not be driving in bad weather, however you need to give me a chance to confer with the gym and with the other coaches. You should not be calling the gym yourself to find out what we have been discussing.
Re: I am so angry I need to vent here
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