Some of you are aware of our PT saga with Caleb. Its actually going great! We started Monday and as of last night he started making the effort to tell us when he had to go or tries to get there himself.
We are using a training potty. B/c of his dx, his extremities are small.. including his penis. Its basically like a button. Theres nothing to hold or aim. We just cant get it behind the shield on a potty ring without a certain amount of repositioning him on our part and theres NO way he can do it himself. Plus b/c my daughter is part monkey and gets into EVERYTHING, our living room is gated off like Fort Knox with metal gates that neither kid can open, which means he cant get to the bathroom even if he tried.
so here are my ?'s:
How the hell do I leave the house??? He can't pee on a reg toilet. I cant drag the froggy potty everywhere. I dont want to discourage him when we go out, if he tell me he has to go. Obviously my next step once he gets this down pat, is to get him on a reg toilet. But what do i do in the meantime? And I'm concerned about school. (obviously I'll speak to the teacher about this) but they only have a regular toilet.
I am also putting him in pull ups for naps and bedtime, is that going to make him regress, thinking its ok to pee in them? He wont think twice about peeing in a pull up if he's just going about his daily routine. I'm also going to have to send him to school in a pull up until I'm confident he wont have an accident.
and lastly, how the heck to do i get him to STOP standing up mid-pee so he can look into the potty to see what he's done??!!
Re: a bunch of pt'ing ?'s.. kinda long.
theres nothing for him to hold to aim.
he doesnt want me to touch him. lol
He really gets upset when I do this. I tried again after you guys posted but he wouldn't go. We put him on the froggy potty and he went right away.
I just bought a different ring with a shield that looks like it comes up a lot higher but we'll see. It still doesn't solve my problem of where's going to go when we're put somewhere.
Does school have a regular adult sized potty or are they kid sized ones? The bathrooms that are in the classroom for the kids to use have kiddy sized toilets. It's a regular toilet just a little lower to the ground and smaller.
Have you tried having him sit all the way back on the toilet? That way his pee has no where to go put down?
I Understand that it's going to be hard but I really suggesting starting on the potty. W has only ever used the real potty. I went by the suggestion of many nesties and it's true...starting them on a seat is just adding a step. W sits close to the front of the seat and pushes his down. School must have showed him cause honestly, we didn't. And that's the other thing.....does school have a potty seat? Or lower toilets?
As for going the beginning we did a pull-up. Made a big deal about making sure he told us when he had to go, make sure you keep your pull-up dry, all that and it did work. Plus, kids love public bathrooms. They want to check them out. We can't go anywhere without this kid wanting to go to the bathroom lately, lol. It's a hassle & a fight 9 times out of 10 but we make him go before we leave the house (even if we have to pick him up and put him on the potty). None of this is easy, unfortunatly. It takes a ton of patience. It's by far the hardest thing I've encountered as a parent so far. He's so stubborn (and so am I).
Hugs & Good Luck.
As of right now, he's really afraid of the reg toilet. He's just getting the hang of it so I don't want to push it.
It wasn't my intention to start him on a potty, but it's the only place he'd go. I know I have to work on it. I guess I was just hoping there would be a solution for when we do decide to venture out.