The medial crimp on his left knee shifted, the bottom of the crimp is knocking into his bone (ouch!), & its clearly irritating him which is the reason behind the continued licking that he's been doing.
I took an xray of him yesterday & compared it to the one I did in Sept, & its definitely moved. I took him to the Vet this morning (not the one who operated on him, I wanted a 2nd opinion, & this Vet is 30 miles closer to us than the operating one is). This Vet examined him & looked @ his xrays. On clinical exam his knee is stable, a little tender @ in an area she was pushing on, but I don't know how hard she was pushing, or what that means. But on xray the crimp has moved.
The good news is, that there aren't any signs of bone infection or bone cancer on the xray, which was what I was most worried about.
So, off to the "regular" Vet (who operated on him) we go again Im not sure what to expect for this kind of procedure, hopefully having the crimp taken out will be less traumatic (not that the Trad procedure was, but you know what I mean) & faster recovery then what we've already gone through!
Re: Well, Cooper has to have surgery again :(
Oh, honey. I'm so sorry.
Trixie sends Cooper lots of butt wiggles and kisses.
Poor baby Cooper! Get well soon!