I'm soooo beyond having my blood boil. It all started Saturday night. Saturday was a very rough day for us. Casey was put on the vent, my blood pressure had gone back up (I'm sure from stress) but was at scary scary highs and it was our last night in the hospital and I was sad to be leaving the next day without Casey. Her and her husband showed up at our hospital room at 6:30 (without calling) right around the time they had delivered our "celebration dinner" for the two of us. They were beyond stressful and have NO sense of reality at all. They were loud and actually wanted in on our dinner. She was inquiring about trying our filet and our cheesecake. Then Erik took them to see her and they were super loud in the NICU. Totally inappropriate. She was degrading my husband saying he was just like his father because we hadnt sang to Casey yet. Then when they got back the nurse came in to take my BP and they were talking very inappropriatly during the whole thing and my BP was sky high. Erik then told them that it was time to call it a night and they left.
Then Erik and I decided both that we would let them and pretty much everyone else know that the Dr wanted Casey on Minimal stimulation (which was totally true) and so we were requesting that everyone just wait until we can bring her home. She just emailed me this morning that she wants to come to the hospital to visit again. To which I very very nicely responded with what E and I had decided. She had the nerve to write me back "that it is very nice that I have the support of my family close by but that I need to remember that there is other family too that want to be of support." My family, while very close to us, has not seen Casey since Friday because of what Erik and I requested. They also are calming and not nerve racking and don't cause my blood to boil.
I'm just at my wits end. I almost wrote her back that she can pound sand and she can just contact Erik from now on cause I'm done dealing with her but I refrained, forwarded the email to Erik and closed my email.
I have no problem not ever talking to them again.
Re: I HATE my DH's Aunt
So sorry this lady is causing extra stress for you. Just let your DH handle it from now on. You shouldn't have to be dealing with this right now. ((((HUGS))))
This brings back memories..we had the same problem when Hanna was in the NICU. We started out letting everyone come in and visit her - then we, along with the dr's, made the call that James and I would be the only ones holding her. Then we cut back on everyone else's visiting time.
We kept having to remind everyone, that although she looked great, she was in the NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT....she was there for a reason and our priority was making sure that she got strong and healthy so that we could bring her home, and not accomodating everyone else's visiting time.
Some people definitley got bent, but I didn't care. Casey is your priority.
Wow! Is this the same Aunt who wanted to make plans with Tilor during his short summer stay?
Sorry to hear this! I have family like this so I know that it is hard. Just let Erick deal with them. You take it easy!!!! Your health is way more important than them or their feelings
Fvck that shit! I never ever cuss like that but that's bullsh!t that she should be accommodated any different than anyone else. And who the fvck is she to be requesting special treatment anyway.
Fvcking write that b!tch off! I'd never talk to her again, refuse to be anywhere near her, refuse that Casey be anywhere near her and basically let Erik (sorry dude) to deal with her.
I'm that po'ed and won't tolerate it... now I want to go postal on something. OMG!
(sorry) big hugs and lots of love (postal or otherwise)
I agree with Jenn, ?give the NICU a list of approved visitors, but then again I thought they only let mom and dad in, or people that accompany mom & dad. ?Also, since it is E's family I would let him deal with them. ?That is how it works in my house.
Sorry you are going through this.?
F them! You should've written her back :P
Very inconsiderate of them to put their needs before caseys or yours! They can be supportive by granting your wishes!
i still can't pick my jaw up off the floor at this. ?wow!
[note to self, never piss off mia]
jayme, i think letting erik deal with her is the best way to handle it - and i'm glad you're on the same page about it. ?presenting a united front is always the way to go. ?leaving a list of approved visitors is a good move, too. ?good luck.
I think you did the right thing to let your DH deal with it. You already have enough on your plate and you don't need your blood pressure going up that your in the hospital and not being with the baby. You don't need the stress.
What a pain in the butt she is!! I cannot believe it. you did the right thing.
You can't let them get to you. You have to watch your health and the new baby. They will get over it and if they have any concerns they should contact your DH. Some ppl just don't know when to draw the line.
OMG mia! I'm stunned.
But you're right! Jayme, let Erik handle them. You should only be focused on getting your blood pressure manged and casey.
People **should** realize as other have said that she is in NICU for a reason. They dont just people babies in there for kicks. Casey needs to get strong. I think its a great idea to tell people they have to wait until she comes home. You also dont want a zillion people coming over to your house, so maybe you'll have to make a visitation schedule for home.
Hang in there!
Thank you all. I just really needed to vent. *DEEP BREATHS* Erik wrote me back that he has no problem with me just forwarding her messages from now on to him and he'd deal with it. Thank you!
Luckily they can't get in without one of us accompaning them nobody can but I have this awful vision of them standing at the window and me staring blankly until I get up and give in and let them in. BAH!
WOW Mia....hehe.
I'm picturing you saying all this with a lot of finger wagging, head shaking and "nuh uhs"....
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