After a weeks hiatus after a move, I'm back with a question! Not going to lie - I've been going nuts without internet or my "pet forums" as my H calls our little "community".
First - all the pets are doing great and are well adjusted to our new home! Jasper and Dakota have a huge fenced in yard and they LOVE it! Jasper had never been off a leash before or out side of a pen - so when we un-clipped his harness he didn't know what to do! Poor guy just stood there looking around, he finally got the hint and took off - it was the greatest thing ever! He's been playing so much more inside and out and his tummy problems are getting better!
Also - a few of you might remember Dakota went on Prozac in mid December - she's doing great, her anxiety has decreased and is much happier!
On to my question! I noticed today that Rosco has been sneezing - a lot. No discharge from eyes or nose and his behavior/eating habits are the the same. He also seems to be "itching" his nose. He is not coughing or itching/scratching/licking anything else. Is it possible to just have the sneezes? Can cat's get colds? What might be causing it - allergies? dust? I haven't changed his food (yet - waiting for the bag we have to get lower, then he'll prob. get TOW).
He seems to only be sneezing/itching on one side. i can't see anything up there that he might be trying to sneeze out.
Re: Cat with a Cold? And an "After Move" update!
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
This. My vet lets colds run its course with cats that are generally healthy. Just like in humans, a cold is untreatable, but cats can develop a bacterial infection secondary to the cold which MIGHT require antibiotics, but most healthy cats can fight it off on their own. If you see any of the other symptoms listed above, I would call the vet, but for now I would wait it out.
Also, it could be allergies (maybe to a new area with new pollen or something) or just from being around all of the moving stuff. Again though, I would give the kitty time to adjust before going to a vet.
I'm trying to get a video of Jasper outside - but I cant seem to find my camera! He's hilarious!
The pets had a lot of play time yesterday (my 16 yr old brother came over) so they're dead to the world and curled up in various corners. Hopefully later today or tomorrow I can get some action shots!