and Caleb pretty good!!! I put him in a pull up just in case. We just went to BRU so it was a quick trip. When we got there he was dry so I took him to the bathroom. He actually sat ok on the big toilet. He didnt whine like he does at home but he didnt do anything which was ok.. I kept getting grossed out that he kept trying to touch the toilet. Blech..
anyway, we got home and I put him on the potty since he had A LOT to drink while we were out and he went right away!
Could have been a fluke and I dont think he's anywhere near being able to go out in underwear but I was pleasantly surprised!
On a separate note though. I dont know HOW the heck I would have pulled that off by myself with B with us too.. There was barely enough room for me, Caleb and my diaper bag in the stall
Re: soooo we went out today (pt related)
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
awe! I'm so proud of him! Yay!!!
And what I do is keep the twins in the cart (or stroller) and sort of jam it into the stall door to keep it open and i stand inbetween. It's not like Griffin cares if the door is open - nor do I... it's the only way i can do it in a regular bathroom situation... at the mall they have some family sized bathrooms that are nice - i can fit the stroller in there easily.
crap! why didnt I think of that?!! I used to use them when I had B in the stroller and had to change C. Thats where the changing station usually seems to be.
thanks for the reminder!
Does Kieran still need help? What do you do with Mikey when he has to go, if he does? I have NO idea how I'm going to help Caleb AND corral Brielle at the same time in a yucky stall..
That's Great.
You just have to grin and bare the nastiness of the public toilet. I HATE that his little head is eye level with the thing but there's not much you can do. I just repeat over and over...DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!
No, not anymore, but when Mikey was a newborn/nfant he sometimes did depending on how tall the toilet was. I always just strap Mikey in and he has to deal. Now- I can let Kieran go in the stall alone and not worry. and if the handicap was full or there was no family stall, then I would just leave the door open and deal with him.
GOOD LUCK! You are doing great!
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
Thanks for the tip about the seat covers. I never even knew such a thing existed!
OF COURSE the stall I went into was out of the paper covers so I plastered the seat with TP but it wasnt enough
Ditto the handicap stall. Even when we don't have s with us we use the handicap stall whenever possible.
Does Brielle still use a stroller? I pretty much try to keep s in a stroller whenever we go somewhere now in case it requires a potty trip. But have managed to hold S in one hand while lifting m onto the potty with the other. Was not fun.
Edit: an we carry our own folding potty seat.
I minimize the touching as well, but I just remember she will wash her hands. Our parents let us touch everything when we were kids and we survived.