We've got him on medicine and know that we need to clear the yard of poop, wipe his feet well before he comes in and keep him off the furniture. I need to call the vet to find out more about his interactions with our resident dog. But I thought I could check here while I waited for a call back.
How likely is it that my dog will get it too and what ahould I look for?
Do I need to limit their interaction?
How long on the meds before he isn't contagious?
what symptoms do I look for to know if he isn't improving?
Should I keep him aawy from my kids?
ANY experience and advice is welcome. Of course I'll be talking to the vet and doing my own research as well
Re: Foster dog has coccidia - advice?
I went through this with my puppy when I first brought her home. From my understanding it is very common in young puppies because many dogs carry it, but puppies don't have the immune system to fight it yet. I would think that as long as your resident dog is healthy you should be ok - just keep him/her away from poop and try not to allow butt sniffing (call the vet to be certain). Even once they are healthy and on meds, they still shed the cysts in their poop for a while. If he still has diarreah, bloody poops, or lethargy contact the vet again. My pup had serious diarreah.. she even pooped her crate
Not sure about kids - I would ask the vet since kids love to put things in their mouths....
Good Luck - I hope he feels better soon!
Me: 32 | He: 35
TTC since Sept 2011
DX: Unexplained
1st round of clomid: Jan 2013 BFP - M/C 8 weeks
surprise BFP Apr 2013 - M/C 9 weeks
IUI #1 clomid Jul 2013 = BFN
IUI #2 clomid Aug 2013 = BFN
IUI #3 injects Oct 2013 = BFN
IUI #4 injects Dec 2013 = BFN
IVF #1 March 2014 - 12R/12F, one perfect day 5 blast transferred
BFP!! Beta#1 = 431 Beta#2 = 914 Beta#3 = 2207 HB = 166!!
How likely is it that my dog will get it too and what ahould I look for? It's quite possibly but not 100% that your dog will. Be diligent about picking up foster's stool and use all the medication prescribed.
Do I need to limit their interaction? No, Coccidia is transferred fecal-orally, so as long as your resident isn't eating foster's poop, you should be fine.
How long on the meds before he isn't contagious? The meds work fairly quickly, I can't remember a general time frame, but have a stool sample checked in 6-8 weeks to be sure that the Coccidia is gone.
what symptoms do I look for to know if he isn't improving? Diarrhea, bloody or watery. Occasionally the dog may become lethargic, have a decreased appetite and vomit.
Should I keep him aawy from my kids? No, no need to. Just be sure they still practice good hygiene anyway. Wash hands after playing with the pups and before eating.
Certified Veterinary Technician / SAHM