Situation: We're in the middle of the application process for my kids to start at a highly recommended parochial school. We've been impressed with this school for several years but it's very expensive so we've held off for as long as possible.
The *only* thing that is sending up a red flag for me at the new school is that 30% of the faculty/staff are married or related to each other. Nepotism bugs me because I wonder if they are really hiring the best candidates? Or are they just giving spouses/family members preferential treatment when a position opens up?
I think we're going to withdraw our application b/c I wonder how many checks and balances there are if there are that many family members working together.
I understand some married couples (my brother and his wife work at a school together) but 30% seems pretty high for one school, right?
ETA: And what bugs me most is that each of the administrative leaders in the school (Head of School, Lower School Principal, Middle School Principal, Upper School Principal) have spouses working at the school...that just seems like a conflict of interest.
Re: woes...opinions?
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I wouldn't necessarily see that as a negative. How many individual couples are we talking about? It's one thing if 30% of faculty are spouses and you've got 200 faculty... Bt if it's a small umber of faculty, the "high" percentage might not be so alarming.
The real litmus test is recommendations from parents whose kids go to school there.
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I get your point, but it would come down to how I felt about the school.
I worked in a family business for many years. I worked at NASA and everyone out there is related to someone. Sometimes it is harder to be in the family is competitive and almost eats their young...almost.
There are many parochial schools in town with good reputations. Try another one. The cost of tuition is likely less, and you will probably find a lot of the same characteristics that drew you to the original choice.