I never had the opportunity to "nest" before DS was born. The weekend I was induced was the weekend his room was supposed to be painted. Once he came home from the hospital, the sleep deprivation kicked in, and then Dave started grad school classes again come fall, and I started officially being self-employed. We had furniture in his room (which still hasn't been painted) and it was a room, but I never had a chance to set it up how I wanted to.
So over the last few days, I have been up there, rearranging furniture, setting stuff up and making it like his real room. I'm hoping to get it painted this spring/summer. It's kind of funny to start nesting NOW. But I have to admit that it was nice to have a post-Christmas project!
Re: 21 months later, I'm finally nesting. LOL
I completely understand. Wyatt came 2 weeks early the weekend we were supposed to move. Our rooms were the only thing furnished & painted in the house. We had no furniture when we came home from the hospital. J and his friend literally moved us that day. The next week was a blur. We didn't have a dining room or entertainment center until he was nearly 3 months old and I didn't actually put anything cute or decorative on his walls until he was about 6-8 months, lol. Confession; He still doesn't have proper curtains. I have sheets hanging over his windows to make it nice and dark.
I figure now, I'm just going to wait until he wants a big kid room, lol.
And I won't even go into our spare bedroom that has no door. Or our basement...Oye Vie!!!!!