One of the big gray ones must be his mom, and I think I know which one.
Here he is:
You can't tell here, but he looks like he's about 3 months. I was going to bring him home with me in the hopes that he's young enough to be adopted out, but he would not let me get anywhere near him. I've been going down there for almost a week now, and this is the first day I've seen him. I looked all around to see if there were any more hiding anywhere, but he's the only one so far.
Also, FYI, turkey hot dogs are like kitty crack. These beautiful guys were crawling all over me after I gave them hot dogs:
(Those two are Bagel and Tiger). Love them.
Thanks for letting flood the board with more pictures that I can't resize. lol You guys are awesome!
<a href="" title="Home D
Re: Eeeep! There is an adorable, tiny gray kitten that lives with the ferals!
Eeep! They are so cute!
I wouldn't write the kitten off. Olive was about 8 months and completely wild when we brought her into our house. She now like belly, chin, and neck scratchies, and likes to roll around like a little AW.
Sherlock was 8 months when he was taken in by the shelter that we got him from, and they believe that he was a feral from birth. Given how clumsy he is and how he still hasn't quite gotten the hang of furniture, I truly believe this!
He's the most lovable kitten I've ever had the experience to know! He LOVES to give headbutts (it's almost violating with how he has to rub his mouth on your face!) and kisses and snuggle up. Best. Kitty. Ever.
I say the grey kitten needs a home
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- Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you!
<a href="" title="Home DOkay, does that work if you're just copy/pasting the picture from facebook?
I am so computer illiterate.
<a href="" title="Home Dtesting this.
<a href="" title="Home DYAY!
<a href="" title="Home DI'm getting used to your daily cute-feral-kitty posts. It's like cuteness crack.
5 cats. 1 baby.